My New Year’s Eve Trip in Rome

Hi Guides,

I like to share my experience from Rome last Year (2018 to 2019).

Rome is one of my favorite Towns.

I’ve visited the City many times and what I like about Rome the most are the culture and the people who are living there.

I’ve stayed there for 3 days to celebrate Sylvester with my wife and friends.

As I live in Vienna I love to drink a good coffee and in Rome you can have that everywhere, what is absolutely great.

Rom is rich in culture, you can find everywhere old Buildings from the Roman Empire mixed with modern architecture. If you’re staying in Rome the Colosseum is a must on your bucket list! But I really recommend to book many days before your trip a ticket online. Otherwise you will stay in line many hours.

After you’ve visited the colosseum I suggest to go to the Forum Romanum, which is nearby. I recommend to buy a combined ticket because it is valid two days and there is a lot to see! There are very Interesting old buildings from the Rome Empire. Walk to the side and go the top, so you’ll have a good view over the City.

It’s huge, so if you want to see Colosseum and Forum Romanum you need minimum 1 day.

Forum Romanum

f you want to make a break you can go in the side street to buy something to drink and eat. Near to the Colosseum it is really expensive, but if you take the side streets you will find smaller but great restaurants.

2 of my Favorite Restaurants are: Formula 1 - Pizzeria and Carlo Menta

This two Restaurants are cheep and serve really good Italian food.

Not far away from the Colosseum is the Vittorio Emanuele building. The entrance is for free and it is an very impressive building. It was built as a monument for King Vittorio Emanuele II. The native people just call it just “The wedding cake”, which I found funny.

Emanuele E Gian Paolo

Another Highlight is the Spanish Steps and it is also a famous meeting spot for free travel guides, the will tell you interesting stories about their own town.

Spanish Steps

Torre Argentina was a personal highlight, because I’m an absolute catlover! This accommodation is hosting stray cats and take medical care of them. Since many years the street cats have there own home there. It’s great to see that the people there take care for the lonely cats.

Torre Argentina

There would be so much more to tell you about Rom, but I have to finish now my Story otherwise it would be to long.

Maybe just one impression you don’t know, If you want to see the Trevi-Fountain you my should go during the night, it’s almost empty and you can see it with the beautiful Lights. Just a hint from me :wink:

Hope you had a good time to read my Story, I am glad to see your comments.

Bye :slight_smile: