I love sharing my experiences and opening the eyes of people to see the world from my point of view (starting from my country, Nigeria).
I believe in storytelling, opening up the minds of people and taking their imaginations for a ride. A ride to territories unknown for a short period of time but leaving a lasting memory that brings happy feelings of nostalgia as if the stories were real experiences.
I’ve always been the dreamer and the creative for as long as I remember. I was always the girl who loved listening to stories no matter how long, always the one daydreaming and taking my imagination on long walks in distant lands. Even now, as I write, I’m lost in a bubble of my imagination.
I was born and raised in Nigeria, a country with enchanting views, an abundance of natural resources, beautiful people and a rich history, with over 500 languages and dialects spoken by over 300 tribes.
I love sharing the unmarred beauty that Nigeria has to offer from the beautiful sights to the rich culture to the traditional dishes and places to just chill, unwind and have fun. Apart from Nigeria, I also want to tell the stories of the world from my perspective through pictures, reviews and videos on Google maps.
Being a local guide is so convenient and fun. I can share photos of places I’ve visited with a single click, I can add new places to the map and make edits to places that already exist and I can tell people my thoughts on certain places.
Going back to the “why”, I love sharing my beautiful stories and amazing experiences because it makes me part of a bigger picture - the picture of the world and it offers me the opportunity to help adventurers and dreamers like me navigate Nigeria and the world at large with ease.