My meet-up has been created and is still pending approval

A few days ago, I had submitted a meet up event in support of the Local Guides Clean The World movement. This will be a pretty big move, as it involves 50 students and scouts, and 50 volunteers.
Some of my members are moving in coordination with many communities, including the local government of Batu city.

But until now, the meet up event was still reviewed.

Can anyone encourage the submissions to be approved soon?

3 days left :frowning:

Best regards, Brian

cc. @NunungAfuah @ErmesT


Hi @br14n i know how it feels frustrated about the pending. I think I will tag @JeslynL for figuring out the issue. I hope your meet up run well and wait for the photos!

Hi @br14n , Thanks for reaching us

In addition I will tag @Atsukot , for a look on the status of your submission.

This is definetly the biggest Meetup organised for LocalGuidesCleanTheWorld, so I hope you will have some good news soon


Thank you so much! @ermest and @NunungAfuah

Hello @br14n, we normally review a meet-up within one week after you submitted it. Therefore, we encourage Local Guides to submit your meet-up as early as possible - at least two weeks prior to the meet-up date.

We will try our best to review everyone’s meet-up submissions as soon as possible. Thank you so much for your understanding!

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