My March Achievements 2024

_hey there, check out my small achievements :sweat_smile: :v: :cyclone: , love :blue_heart: Google local Guide :star2: I got first 3 badges in this month . And want more badges from local Guide. Because in Hindi, bo kahate hain na ki ye Dil mange more :laughing: . Have you got my point. I’m glad to say that I’m a local Guide.


Congratulations @Manviii Best wishes for you. Now, write some more gourmet and more place blogs.

I read your reviews on various foodie places as well on Google map

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Sure, I will and thankyou for connecting me… :blush: @Praniketmore

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Congratulations @Manviii

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Great job congratulations @Manviii

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Hai @Manviii .

I do follow @MohammadPalash , @PrasadVR and @Praniketmore to congratulate for your achievement.

You got three new badges is awesome.

Keep on contributing on Google Maps and here on Local Guides Connect.

Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy.


Congrats on your three badges @Manviii

I also got one today for supporting other Local Guides.


Thankyou… :blush:


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Thankyou :blush:


Thankyou for your best wishes, :blush:


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Oh wow, it’s good :+1: Congratulations too :tada:

Thankyou for connecting me… @tony_b

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Congratulations @Manviii keep contributing

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Thankyou @NirmalTeja:blush:

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Hola @Manviii felicitaciones por las insignias conseguidas. Cómo animan a seguir aportando, para que alguien pueda tomar una decisión de un lugar, un comercio, un hotel y un gran etcétera.

Saludos desde Uruguay :uruguay: :uruguay: :uruguay:

Gracias… :blush:
