My Love For Egusi Soup !!!


Food is a very uniting force in general. It’s the first characteristics of a living being-Nutrition. Of course needless to say, some love and enjoy it more than others. Some manifest their love and others don’t. whichever way food is a great thing and I love food. Nutrition should be a very important part of a local guide’s life. As local guides,we are constantly on motion, adding places to the maps, giving honest and original reviews etc. if you must take a good shot.and go on photo edit walks,or take a good 360 photo etc. you’ll need to be very well and feeding healthy as well. Feeding for the health reasons is not the objective for this post,although its part of it. My main aim or goal for this is to express My Love for this particular dish on post. It’s a dish common to West African countries,at least having lived and worked in Ghana,I can firmly say it exits there, it’s common in Benin Republic,and of course here in Nigeria !!!

Needless to say it is as tasty and spicy as it looks in the photo. The bright,brilliant yellow and dark green colour is very nutritious and yummy. I must point out that it’s quite healthy as well. Very simple and pocket friendly to prepare,not time consuming and very appetizing all the same. It is a special dish, but the preparation of it is not limited to special occasions.

It’s a dish that can be served everyday of life. It’s quite common in most part of Nigeria @Sagir might be able to tell us if the Northerners serve it or not @EmekaUlor can also be a witness on this being a South Easterner. It has various methods of preparations. I Loved it so much so that it was the subject of My first Virtual meet-up while I was in Accra-Ghana. It was an unforgetable 1st meet-up for a local guide just starting out on connect a year and half ago.

I love it so much,that I have it had about 3 times already this week, Imagine !!! I won’t go into the details of the preparations in this post,because I have the slide used in my meet-up on West-African-dishes-virtual-taste-meetup . The slide explains in details the preparation of Egusi soup !!!

Furthermore on this I’ll love to know if “Egusi” is found in Asia or what other continents have you on the planets. Maybe our moderator and my good friend @TusharSuradkar will have an idea otherwise don’t mind you’ll like the post. Another local guide I might like to ask is @MukulR he was the one who inspired me on that first meet-up on this,so maybe you have this in Bangladesh kindly let us know. @AdrianLunsong don’t bother looking for it in Malaysia,you may not get it because it seems a tropical ingredient. @FalguniP is another foodie that might be interested in this have you ever seen this(Pleaae refer the 2nd photo on the post).

Comments on the availability of it in other parts of the world from other local guides are welcome indeed !!!

This dish is popular in lots of Nigerian restaurants and at affordable costs. At this junction Adrian, this is my Love as a foodie. Hope you like it or rather love it as well. Thank you for this #LocalGuidesLove and other initiatives and chance for local guides to express themselves,happy February, happy valentine and love you all.



Thanks for tagging me to this nice post @SholaIB . Unfortunately, Egusi is not found in our country and I think it will be the same for India. From your post, Egusi looks really delicious and I hope it is very healthy also as many ingredients are used to make this nice and tasty food. Thanks for sharing this beautiful piece of writing with us. Stay safe and healthy. Cheers.

Thank you for tagging @SholaIB

This soup looks delicious!

We do have melon seeds and it’s widely used in Indian curries to thicken them.

I used them to add crunch to stir fried veggies too!

These seeds are full of nutrients sounds great :star_struck:

This looks like a very interesting and delicious :yum: soup @SholaIB

We consume Egusi seeds in other forms like in Milk Kheer but soup is a new thing.

Excellent photos of the spread - looks very tempting, and another reason to visit W. Africa :blush:

Hello @MukulR

Thank you for the nice comment. Yes Egusi is really delicious.

Stay safe and healthy too…


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Thanks @SholaIB for taking part in the #LocalGuidesLove challenge! Needless to say the egusi soup loves yummy-licious!!! The egusi seeds reminds me a bit of the pumpkin seeds and I’ve only had pumpkin soup in the UK. I don’t think, here in Asia, we have this kind of soup that is thick. Ours tends to be more broth like (i.e. more watery). UK soups are also quite thick like yours.

Anyway, your post is really fascinating and I’ve learned a lot from it! I also saw the recap post on the meet-up and watched the cooking demonstration!! Fantastic!! Brings me back to the days of #LocalGuidesKitchen!! If I ever get the chance to do another series, I’d definitely need to get a Nigerian dish featured!! :yum:

Hey @AdrianLunsong

I thought as much,if I introduced my love to you,there is the risk you may take it over from me. It will be very great and interesting for you to feature a Nigerian dish thank you.

Egusi is pumpkin seed alright cooked thick and with green leaves etc. Thank you for replying and for the very fascinating comments.


Hello @FalguniP

Sorry for late reply. I definitely appreciate your comments. Yes! It’s full of nutrition I tell you. Glad you have an idea what am talking about. Memories of our foodie posts during the lockdown. Lol


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@SholaIB food truly connects us :yum:

I can’t wait to see some more amazing traditional food post :heart:

@SholaIB .thanks for sharing one of the best soup in South west Nigeria.which they like to cook it. For delicious u can eat it with eBay, Amala or semovita. Cooking it with different ingredients like ponmo call leather meat, beef like assorted meat. The soup commonly cook among ijebu people and Igbo people.when u eat sweet delicious.thats is my best soup.

You are welcome @Durojaiyeolatunde1 it’s always a pleasure to showcase our culture and to share what you love with others.

Thanks for replying.


@TusharSuradkar Sir

Thank you for your response to the post and sorry for late reply. Yes there is so much that will interest you and give you a reason to visit West Africa watch out for more post and reasons to make you visit soon :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

An open invitation to you and you’ll be will be welcome to Nigeria.


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