My Love Affair with being a Local Guide

Joining to become a Local Guide was one of my best ‘clicks’ on Internet. At first I wondered how I was going to do this since I wasn’t a well travelled individual at that time (born and bred in Nigeria).

Nevertheless I kept at it with any new place I go to and Goggle giving me the prompt to share.

Now I have to opportunity to travel and see new places (as much as my work schedule allows me).

I have a lot of things I like sharing the most when reviewing places I’ve been to, they include:

  • Accessibility: In a world where we are becoming more conscious of being helpers to one another, describing how accessible a place is to people in wheelchairs for example goes a long way in helping them experience that place for themselves if they so choose

  • Transport network: I love describing how to get to a place, the closest stations, buses and so on. It helps other plan their route.

  • Good Food: This is the window to the soul. I love trying new restaurants and their cuisine and once that is done, local guides gives me a way to express what I enjoyed so others can either long to go try it too or imagine it through my painted pictures.

Expenses: While reviewing places, I love to talk about the expenses that might be incurred, how steep it might be to your pocket. This helps other plan so they can also stay within their budget and yet have fun.

  • Pictures/Videos: I usually tend to have a lot of fun in New places that I’m in, that I tend to forget to take pictures and videos. But I am getting better. It helps others see firsthand what you are seeing.

  • Word Play: I love playing with words, the best arrangements to get my point across, the inflections to use to convey emotion. Reviewing as a local guide helps me do that.

I can go on and on about local guides but I’d run out of space to express my love for this platform.

Travel, live and enjoy… ‘drops mic’