My local guide lamp-My contributions to lighten the world.

Although, I am quite Musical,I love music,I am not a great poet but I could be one yet,one never knows. There are times some poetry or songs or Hymns comes to my mind as it does today. I’ll endeavour to share it because it might be of help to us local guides. I have this lamp in my study which I am sharing in this post and gave me some inspiration as regards local guides,it might give you some inspiration as well try it out and see…

As a Local Guide I am Like a Little Lamp

  • As a local guide,I am like a little lamp

A light to lighten the map always

To help the lost or confused map user

I’ll endeavour to shine my little light

Making the maps better and the world brighter.

  • As a local guide I am like a little lamp

I’ll contribute to the maps daily

Even a little edit is quite useful really

I’ll add new place as well,to help users

Making my locality easier to navigate and travels more fun.

  • As a local guide I am like a little lamp

I’ll add bright quality photo easy to view

Duplicate photos are not good practises

Neither does selfies do any good to users

Making the POIs come alive and small businesses better.

  • As a local guide I am like a little lamp

My reviews I’ll write in all honesty

I’ll include accessibility details as required

Customer service,ambience I’ll show.

Helping the map users make informed decisions about places

  • As a local guide, I am like a little lamp

I’m a voluntary contributor to the maps

It’s not all about the perks nor points I get

Although it’s all part of the same thing

Helping others live better and myself as a map user.

  • As a local guide I am like a little lamp.

I am not a spammer coz that’s no good.

Making the job harder for Google

The maps more complicated for users

Making life more difficult in general as a spammer rather than a guide

  • As a local guide I am like a little lamp

I’ll add new roads properly drawn

I’ll take 360° photo and photopaths as well

The end point is to improve the maps

At the end of the day,we are the end users of our contributions.

  • Light the world,make the map better pls

For you and for me as good local guides.

Cos there are people needing it.

Doing my part daily and always.

Making my light shine and my lamp bright as a local guide that I am.


@SholaIB Lv 9 LG.

I have composed this featuring the different local guides activities and as a map user myself. I hope it will inspire local guides in general across the globe.



Hello Mr Shola, just joined as a local guide. I like your story. I’m here in Port Harcourt too. Hope we can meet to share ideas as the guiding star that you are. Have a wonderful day ahead and a glorious weekend.


I loved the poem so much I read it over again several times and with a rhyme :musical_note: :notes: :blush:

A brilliant piece written from the bottom of the heart - so pure, melodious, and engaging…

Hat’s off to you my friend - you are the multi-talented Local Guides Rennaisance man…!

This could truly be adopted as the anthem of LG Connect.

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Top of the morning to you @TusharSuradkar ,

Thank you for the very nice comment on my post. That’s quite a big statement for my post to be adopted as an Anthem for local guides,I will not mind anyway infact I’ll be happy. It will be nice to see what others think of that idea.

Keep shinning as a guiding star that you are as well.



Thank you @ntia

Nice comments. Will be looking forward to read your post as well sometime soon.


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Lovely poem you have here @SholaIB and as @TusharSuradkar said, it’s melodious and it rhymes too. we certainly contribute to make the world a better place by providing so many useful information. Keep up the great work and the poem as well! Cheers,

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Poem’s all lines are perfect and precise for local guide. :sparkles:

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Hello @indahnuria

Thank you for acknowledging my little piece of poem.

Yes it’s all about the information we are all trying to pass across to local guides and map users in general.

Keep up the good work as well and happy guiding.


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Hello @Faheem_Ahemad

Thank you very happy you like the poem


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Hi @SholaIB

This poet is so beautiful and meaningful :heart_eyes:

Thanks for making this poet. It’s so inspiring and motivating for me and I believe other Local Guides, too.

@AdrianLunsong must see this as well!!

Just like what @TusharSuradkar has said, this could be a Local Guides anthem :smile:


Hello @Velvel

Thank you for your response to this Poem. It seems ages I last got a reply from you on any of my posts so I’m quite excited to get this one. Yes ! It’s a nice one. It was also featured on thankful thursday last week.

I’ll only de delighted if it could become “Our national Anthem” as local guides. There might be an adjustment or 2 to make maybe then it can go worldwide. @TusharSuradkar has always been a good motivator and my good friend on connect as well.



This is awesome @SholaIB !! And thanks for the tag @Velvel !!

Your lamp reminds me of R2D2 from Star Wars :sweat_smile: And your poem is amazing and wise! Very true and inspiring! Thanks for sharing this with the community!

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Thanks to the “Thankful Thursday” post where you were featured that brought me here @SholaIB :smiley:


Thank you kindly. Happy you found this poem. It’s for all local guides in general. We have been old times buddies though you remember we wrote a monthly topic together once sometime ago ! That was before you became a moderator Lol. Thankful for thankful thursday :+1:t5:


Hello :wave: @SholaIB I admire your talent in poetry.

Hello @Nguthijosephk

I’ delighted you like this. Thank you for your comments. Aside poetry,I also have other events going on connect. Here :point_right:t3: Announcement-Stay-On-TRAC . Just as a matter of interest.

Happy to E-meet you here on the forum. Keep active keep positive.

Happy guiding


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