My local guide journey

First it began as an interest. I usually capture moments, places, foods, structures anything that is captureable. And mostly use #googlephotos as my back up to all my photos. It was in the time of Covid 19 I had the privelage of time to look back to most of my photos. I was reminiscing all the good memories I had with every picture I look at. So I though of helping others with what I know and have would be something valuable. Then I began uploading it on #googlemaps. Peoples were reacting I was happy, continued it started to write reviews. As my travel experience grows my desire to share it keeps growing. I take it as one of the meaningful way of using the digital technologies. And this last days I received a notification on google maps stating I reached 1 Million plus views, I was amused, excited, I felt like I have taken part on peoples explore experience I was cheerful. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: I just want to celebrate it by sharing a story about it because there might be some of you who have such desires but don’t know where to began. Here is my local guide journey for the past two years.

Cheers for the 1M+ views :clinking_glasses: :clinking_glasses:

Check out my profile #localguideexperience #googlephotos #digitaltech #sharing photography


Hi @Yemi_Assefa and congratulations on your 1 Million plus views achievement.

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