my local guide has been deleted

Hello, my local guide has been deleted in an unfamiliar way.
there was no e-mail about why it was deleted

I filled this form but there is no answer.
Please help I want local guidance back


Hi @user_not_found

As your account has been suspended, The only procedure to contact Google to verify, is the one already mentioned by you ( )

Please remember that, who is banned, through the account, is the person that is managing it, as the account is not acting independently of him.

For more details please read: Why was I removed from the Local Guides program?

"If you think you may have been wrongfully removed from the program and your account hasn’t been reinstated for more than 10 days, don’t create a new account to post on Connect. (That’s against our program rules, too.)

Instead, fill out the Appeal form, letting us know you’ve been removed. Be sure to provide us with your Google Maps profile URL so we can look into it. It can take up to three weeks to investigate banned accounts, so please be patient. Our team will reach out privately as soon as we have an update.

For your privacy, please edit your post, removing the contact information in there. The team will not use this post to contact you.

Please close this account now. Having two accounts is against the program rules

Thank you for reading


I understand your feelings. @user_not_found

This post helps you.

Why was I removed from the Local Guides program?

The appeal from takes time, because it’s needed investigation of your google Maps account.

Google Maps doesn’t send any Email for removing you from the local guides program.

You are removed from local guides program, but your google Maps account is not deleted.

Still you do the contribute as google map user not as local guide.

Hence, it’s illegal to create two google Maps account for local guides program,

You will be again banned.

So, try to avoid to make second account.

I hope your account will be reactived.

Kindly read again,

Maps User Contributed Content Policy

Local Guides Community policy

Local Guides Program Terms and Conditions

thank you I am removing this account from the local guide. I filled the form, I will wait 3 weeks.

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