My Local Guide Google Maps Contribution Points Declining

I didn’t monitor my points until recently after seeing posts about point removals, explanations from experts, etc. While there are outside sources for tracking your points, some deny access to their full systems. I’ve been stuck at level 7 for longer than I should be, and while this fact crossed my mind several times, I never thought to make records of my points or at least watch my points while adding contributions for tracking because I’ve legit just been trying to help. I’ve taken tons of screenshots of my profile, but this post is on a whim. I started intentional tracking on 03/30/23 with personal notes. I looked again today and dropped 200 ish points. Should I add a BS or @bs for a chip? What gives @Anonymoususer1 ?

#creatingreliablepeoplefirsthelpfulcontent and #denied @GoogleSuggestion #whatdoyoumeanbyattribution @google


Oi, @TiffanyStockstill

Oficialmente a resposta do Programa Local Guides para diminuição de pontos é essa:

“Points do not expire, though they may decrease if content is removed for violating our policies.”

Quando o Google migrou nossas fotos do antigo/falecido "Google+ Local " para o Google Mapas, eu perdi cerca de 50 milhões de visualizações de fotos;

Quando o Google Mapas fez a primeira política robusta de conteúdo gerado pelo usuário com o programa Local Guides já ativo eu perdi cerca de cinco mil pontos, pois antigos conteúdos de uma outra época e de outras políticas foram removidos ou ocultados, e com isso os pontos associados a essas contribuições.

Em resumo, ponto sumindo é foto ou avaliações sendo removidas e/ou ocultadas. Exceto se for um bug, o que também pode acontecer.

Acredito - não tenho certeza - mas os Moderadores do fórum talvez tenham ou conheçam um caminho para avaliar se o seu perfil está perdendo pontos por bug ou por remoção de algumas de suas Contribuições. Tente observar isso em sua conta.


Gil :blush:

*Editei a resposta, pois havia uma palavra escrito incorretamente, o que tornaria a tradução sem sentido.

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Hi @TiffanyStockstill

Is Auto-delete set to OFF in your settings found here? If not, please change it to OFF.


@MortenCopenhagen , yes my settings are correct.

@gmapas Gil, thanks for the information. This seems like an unfair point system. Points usually distributed are gained. Never heard of a point system that took back but I could be wrong. If this is the case contributors should be made aware lf points removal. No telling how many points I’ve legit earned then lossed. Seems a bit silly to honestly. Whats the point of a point system if its not used fairly and properly on both ends? Thanks again for the feedback info. Stay Golden.


Hi @TiffanyStockstill

Many places have shut down because of the loss of business during lockdown. Go back a few months and check the places you have visited. I realize this when I went to visit a restaurant and found that it had closed down. My review was gone and so were the points. Another way you can also check is just below your contributions there is a tab with different topics so for example if you’re had more than 10 cups of coffee but now it will show 3.


Hallo @TiffanyStockstill

I am sorry about your issue. Points in Google Maps are awarded on the basis of your “contributions” tab, i.e. the ones you are showing in the two screenshots.

Even if some counts are not shown in the list (for example the “bonus” points) generally a comparison of the data allows to understand where the points have disappeared from, and this would allow to better understand what is happening.

The main cause of points reduction is related to the deletion of answers, which is related to the settings @MortenCopenhagen has already asked you about.

If we exclude this reason, the second reason in order of importance is the removal of a place from Google Maps. If a place is deleted from Maps:

  • The photo contributions are attributed to “Unknown Place” and the related points deducted.
  • The reviews are no longer visible, the corresponding points are deducted.

Attention: this happens when a place is deleted from Google Maps (because it doesn’t exist, or spam). When a place is instead closed because the activity has ceased (this would be the correct procedure for a place that was in maps but is no longer active) the points are kept. Unfortunately many users don’t understand the difference, and instead of reporting a place as “closed” they report it as “doesn’t exist”.

As I said, a comparison of the data on “Your Contributions” could help to better address your problem.

There is, however, another remote possibility: If one place is merged with another, a strange thing happens for a few days: during a transitional period that normally lasts a few days, the contributions are “disconnected” from the place, and this causes the temporary disappearance of the related points. It happened to me a year ago, and after a few days everything was back to normal.

If you have details of the contributions before and after the issue please let us know.


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as an additional note: Local Guides Connect (this community) is a forum, not a Social Media like Facebook or Twitter. Hashtags do not work here, and make your post difficult to read.

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@ErmesT My apologies… Will keep in mind for future post for users and screen readers. Thanks.

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@ErmesT ,

The only change in number of contributions under my profile was 1 published list now being 0 and a few areas with a 1-3 point increase. I will continue to monitor to see what could be possibly causing the drops . It would be nice if the program removed the business closings loss in points. Users still took their time to help maps and received the points as an award. A business failing to thrive should not effect past work of users and points earned by users. Also, seems like the program could notify users in reasons for points being taken back to ensure user’s have knowledge on their contributions and point take backs or removals. Nonetheless, these are the rules so I understand. I am happy to be breathing, so I’m not fretting about this. Appreciate the additional information.


@ErmesT ,

The only change in number of contributions under my profile was 1 published list now being 0 and a few categories with a 1-3 point increase. I will continue to monitor to see what could be possibly causing the drops or post on here again for resolve . It would be nice if the program removed the business closings loss in points. Users took their time to help maps and received the points as an award. A business failing to thrive should not effect past work of users points. Also, seems like the program could notify users in reasons for points being taken back to ensure user’s have knowledge on their contributions and point take backs or removals or even providing this information in our dashboards… Nonetheless, these are the rules so I understand. I am happy to be breathing, so I’m not fretting about this. Appreciate the additional information.

Please do not apologies for this, @TiffanyStockstill . My note was for stating a simple matter of fact. As this is also a social platform, for many it is natural to use hashtags.

In fact a business should never be removed from maps, even when it is closed, because the “closed” status is helpful for users who are searching for a business. In the past I wrote an ides about this subject, for informing the contributors when someone is trying to remove from maps a business where we contributed to: Pop-Up for “fact checking” if you contributed to a place with photos / review

The loss of points when a listing is removed from maps it is not a matter of rules, Tiffany. Every contribution, to be counted as points, need to be connected in two sides: the author (you) and the business. If a business is deleted (erased from Maps, not closed) there is no way to associate anymore your contribution to a listing. That’s why the points disappears.

Just to explain how it works, I want to show you a very rare email

This service is actually active in France only (it is a kind of test to check the agreement of the users). I don’t know about you, but I would love to receive this kind of information for all my contents

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@TiffanyStockstill you can track your historical points through the monthly Top100 Points leaderboards posted here on Connect. For example, from the Top 100 Local Guides Points Leaderboards (March 2023) your total points were 11,012 and in February this was 9,749 and so on. You can also get this history in both tabular and graphical format directly via the Top 100 System’s advanced features.

@AdamGT thanks for the info. I can not access certain areas of the top100 due to my level being 1. No worries though , your doing a great job of tracking and I always look forward to your post . I even set a calendar reminder for the end of each month to update my stats on the board’s data. Nonetheless, this still doesn’t explain why I dropped 200 points in just a few days with no changes to my dashboard stats with the exception of 1 published list being 0. Other areas increased by 1-3 points.

Every morning I wake up, I go straight to my front door, open it and yell to my neighborhood, "What a wonderful day to be alive!"…

Hi @TiffanyStockstill

I can’t give you anyexplanation why you dropped 200 points in just a few days with no changes to your dashboard stats but think that any one of the reasons given by @ErmesT are a strong possibility.It’s good that you have set a calendar reminder for the end of each month to update your stats.