It’s 10 years interesting story . Like most others google local guide my journey was also started with google map. It was 2007-2008 , I was a college student and I started to use internet by the support and instruction of my elder brother. He was my first IT teacher and I was the first guy in my friend circle who used a personal computer.
So, in my learning period with my brother first time I heard about google map. That time it seems to me like the land survey map (Noksha) what I had seen to my father since my childhood. So, Google map was fun to me as a digital map where I always used to zoom in and zoom out. Zooming and finding places which I read in my book or heard in news, was so much exciting and fun. After that, I used to show off myself by showing google map to my friends and my friends were astonished watching there location (House ,playground, school etc.). Today I’m thinking , how funny and cool was that (ha ha ha ha). By the way, My childhood was in an Island . I spent 17th years and my school certificate is also from Island. It’s called Sandwip. It’s a thousand years old Island in the bank of Bay of Bangle ocean and surrounded by the river. After finishing my 10th stranded from this island me and few of my school friends move to city and get admitted in to college in Chattragram (Chittagong). So, before college admission in 2007 we were totally don’t know anything about technology. We just read and seen pictures of computer in text books and old news papers.
That was my childhood background . Now lets move to my past internet experience. After connecting with internet in 2008, I started to read about technology and started to use a mobile phone which was java operating system. Still I remember my first cell phone model was siemens a75. It was one of the first internet use able mobile phone of the country at that time. That time internet wasn’t available and speedy at all. Once I enter the web address in browser address bar I had to wait for several minutes to see the website (ha ha ha). That time we used wap site instate of web site. Because wap site were more light and responsive for mobile phone in compare with website. That time we used “migg33” “nimbuzz” mobile application for chatting. Now when ever I discuss with my friend about “whatsapp” “messenger” etc, I smile myself and feel nostalgic remembering my first chatting applications.
Lets move to google map again . Till 2010-11 I knew that, google map is fully mapping and developing by google itself by using there satellite. In 2012 facebook became popular in Bangladesh, internet access and speed is better then earlier. So, my learning about technology was also progressing very well. I updated my self with technology what I can effort. I must say earlier (2007-2011) what technology devices I used(mobile , computer), those were belong to (owner) my elder brother. 2011 my brother shifted to another city (Khulna) and I bought my first computer by the financial support of my mother. Do you know what was my computer configuration in 2011? It was 512MB RAM, 32 GB Hard Drive, Windows Xp and monitor was liked the company’s first product which running after 10-15 years of production (ha ha ha).
In 2012 suddenly I noticed google map is showing the name of my island and it’s villages and few roads!!! I got shocked!!! How it’s happen??? so I started to discuss with IT related friends and I came to know that there are few local peoples who working for google map development. I thought they are google appointed employee for this task. Few days later I came to know I was wrong, they are working as volunteer of google map to up hold the country in the developed world. That time I was working in several International organizations (Lions Clubs International, Rotary International) as a volunteer (LEO & Rotaract). So, get excited by getting another platform of volunteering by which I can up hold my country. I started to learn , how to contribute in google map. When I started to contribute for google map, I faced several problem. Because that time I still using java operating handset which wasn’t sweet able for mapping at all and I was difficult to capture picture in an location and upload them from computer at home. So I started to wait for my first smartphone. Mean while I was contributing slowly. In 2014 I finally bought my first smartphone. It was walton S3 mini smartphone and my contribution started in good way. After getting my smartphone, one day I was browsing my village map and I got shocked !!! A guy renamed the roads by his family members name like his father, grandfather’s road which was completely wrong.
I reported several times and tried to contact with senior google local guides but the names didn’t change till the date and google stopped the map maker. Now I’m contributing photos, reviews and answer the questions and query. Some times I get demotivate in contributing. After joining google local guide meet ups I get inspired again. Now Google Local Guide Bangladesh community is inspiring me again and again to contributing for google map.
In last 3 years I joined 2 Country central meet up (4 years celebration and 97th meet up) and 4 regional meet up and photo walk in Chattragram (Chittagong). Now few of my friends are also contributing in google map inspiring by me. . . .