My journey to attend Connect Live 2019! Finger crossed

  1. Tell us what you love sharing most on Google Maps and why. Whether you’re passionate about finding the world’s best French fries or making the map more eco-friendly, we want to know about it!


I want to share the experience as local and want to let others know some places that might not aware by tourist and working holidays. There are many choices of food in Brisbane but is good to know where is the best food for Malaysia, Korean, Thai, African, Greek and bar to hang out. People can invest their time in other activities rather then research what’s the nicest food in town.

Besides food, I like to provide review for attraction as well. Where is the closest beach in Brisbane, nice hiking spot or City cycling highlights. Is great to travel like a local rather then just a tourist. I fully agree google map and local guides connect able to make a huge different for community.

  1. Create a new list on Google Maps
    Secret bar in Brisbane

  2. In a few sentences, tell us about your Local Guides involvement. Responses must be written in English.

Perhaps you love hosting meet-ups or you like greeting new Connect members.


I’m lonely when I moved to Brisbane and someone told me I should share my experience in Brisbane to others. So I decided to share my experience for all the places I visited through Google Map contribution. I joined some meetup groups and host some Facebook group meetup as well. It is so wonderfully to meet different people and cultures in Brisbane.

  1. In a few sentences, tell us why you want to attend Connect Live 2019 and what you hope to learn if chosen to attend. Responses must be written in English.


Definitely I want to attend Connect Live 2019! I want to share my experience regarding journey became a Local Guide and want to learn from others as well! Besides that, it helps me to archive one of my US travelling dream. It gives me opportunity travel around US and Canada and experience with the Local Community in US.

  • J.W -

IG: menghaur

Spiritually at San Jose, California, USA


I wish you all the very best @menghaur

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Hi @menghaur !

Great work for your app!

Only one suggestion : check that your list contains, in addition to the places you entered, a comment for each place! (in my opinion add also your personal review).

"What makes a good list?

Lists on Google Maps should include a theme, an informative title, and a helpful description. The best lists include at least five places and comments about each one. For more tips on creating great lists, visit this Connect post. "

Good luck,


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Thanks KEagle! I wish to visit Prague in near future!

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@davidhyno , thanks for your suggestion. Appreciate!