My journey as local guides and I proud of it.

Hi Local Guides across the globe! :wave: :wave: :wave:

First of all, let me introduce my self. My name is Deliana Permatasari, but you may call me dells. I am from Indonesia - Tangerang Local Guides, level 7. I am new with Local Guides Connect, hopefully, I can make connections with other awesome local guides across the country.

Today I will tell you about my story as local guides.

This is the first part :sunglasses: .I discovered the local guide program in 2018 and it gave me the opportunity to help many people. I started without knowing about local guides program. One day back to 2018 when I am looking for some information about the place that I would like to visit, I found local guides comments on the review and I was thinking that is awesome! Additionally, when I visited one place and uploaded some photos, I found out I could provide some comments and do the review. That was the time where it all starts ; )

The second part of my story: it is about joining the local guides community.

Beginning of 2019, I did a lot of reviews and answers some questions about the place that I have been visited. And I always use google maps and I am proud of being a local guides because I help many peoples! This is changing my life … I feel happy and satisfied :heart_eyes: .

I made a good progress from level 1 until level 5 less in one year and so happy when I got the first gift from google - a pair “cute blue” local guides sock. I never use this sock until today, LOL

Along the way, I received my first invitation to attend Connect live in 2019. Too bad I missed it, I could not attend this event.

And the last part of my story … which very interesting part of my journey as local guides, was when I found Indonesia local guides community. It just happened recently : ).I joined the WA group of Tangerang local guides and I found everyone is awesome :sunglasses: ! Especially the Miftah @360bymiftah who is the first person that I knew in this community. Miftah fast responded my request to this group - thanks bro @360bymiftah . And the same day I found out local guides connect platform and use this platform, although I still learning how to use this platform effectively. How lucky I am, members in this community is helping a lot and give lot of support to me … especially Bang @Radjasitanggang :+1:

Lately, Bro @360bymiftah send an invite to join Telegram group of Indonesia Local Guides. again this great! I met more Indonesia Local Guides all over Indonesia and its lovely!

And the very last of this story :grinning: ,I am very happy because I participated in the 1st Indonesia Virtual Meet-Ups by Tangerang Local Guides and I was so honored because I did healthy talks - shared my knowledge about the Corona Pandemic and I proud of it! The session was great with great host @Radjasitanggang … you’re the best Bang! This session was productive, there was an interactive discussion about the Pandemic. I encouraged everyone to follow the guidance from the government to do #socialdistancing #stayathome #handwash and avoid #hoax, do check carefully before sharing any information. Find the right information from the right source to avoid #missinformation.

At the end of the health talk, we had a chit chat and discussed the preparation of Local Connect submission. Some senior colleagues (really sorry, I forgot the names :sweat_smile: ) shared their experience and provide some tips. And before ending the session, we did a video message for the Local Guides’s couple who got married recently :man_in_tuxedo: :bride_with_veil: That’s great right?

Last but the least, due to the corona pandemic, we didn’t get any opportunities to meet face to face but we can connect lively in this platform and WA group. Hopefully, we can meet each other in person very soon.

#stayathome #stayhealty #stayconnected

dells :heart:




Hello @doc_dells

Thank you for share us your great story. It was great experience when we did virtual meet-up last week. Thank for your time and sharing your knowledge. You’re thought and knowledgeable. Awesome. See you in next meet-ups.


Hallo @doc_dells

terima kasih sudah menjadi bagian dari Tangerang Local Guides dan Indonesia Local Guides dan walau kita belum bertemu secara langsung saat ini bisa berjumpa melalui video call, berkontribusi untuk membantu pengguna Google Maps dan banyak orang yang ingin mengunjungi sebuah tempat dan tempat tersebut sudah diulas oleh kita lebih senangnya lagi orang tersebut melihat ulasan kita terhadap termpat tersebut,

Jangan patah semangat dan semoga lolos Connect Live 2020 :wink:


Tangerang Local Guies Admin


Thanks a lot bang @Radjasitanggang you are one of my “mentor” as local guides :v: . And thank you also for giving the support to me especially for the local connect submission :grin: and I made it!. I appreciate it a lot.

See you soon bang and have a great day.


MIfff … @360bymiftah Thank you banget yah supportnya untuk saya. Semoga kita bisa berjumpa bersama teman teman Tangerang Local Guides secepatnya.

Stay healthy :blush:


Hi @doc_dells ,

Please note that I have just released your post from the Spam Filters. I would like to apologize for your post being marked as spam. Our filters run 24/7 and they can be a little harsh at times.

You can visit this article to learn more - Why was my Connect post marked as spam?.


Hi Javiera, thanks for letting me know and sharing the article to read. Since I newly connect user, this article below is a big help!

Thanks again,



Hi @user_not_found ,

Hello from Indonesia and thanks for likes my story. Hope you are doing well there.

Stay healthy,



Hello from Indonesia @user_not_found :wave:t2: thank you for liking my story. Stay healthy there.



You’re welcome :pray:



Hi @Ale_003 … Hope you are doing well. Hello from Jakarta and thank you for your like about my story.

Stay healthy,



Well done! @doc_dells


Hiii @OliverKIWI … Thank you so much. Warm regards from Indonesia :wave:t2: #Stay healthy



@doc_dells Pleasure:)


Hii … @Austinelewex thank you for liking my story. Warm regards from Indonesia. Hope you are doing well and stay healthy.



Hii @Anakor_Jeremiah hello from Indonesia. Thank you for your likes about my story. Hope you are doing well. Stay healthy.


  • @ShahriarAzadEvan *Thank you for your likes about my story. Hello from Indonesia. Hope you are doing well and stay healthy.



Thanks for your first post @doc_dells . Welcome to Local Guides Connect and thanks for your introduction.

Best of luck for your application to attend Connect Live 2020.


Hi @doc_dells that’s a nice story about you and the program. Good luck for the application! My warm hug from Blitar :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks mbak @NunungAfuah for the support. Virtual hugs and love :heart: from Tangerang Selatan. Hope to see you soon.