Hello everyone hope all are doing well.
I think you have already understood the post what is it by seeing the Title. It’s is the my journey i mean while starting how i am and now how i am. I am thinking now i was changed completely.
I am really thankful For the both people @ErmesT & @TravellerG
Why i am saying thankful because they are changed me to the good local guide.
I will explain clearly.
At starting I don’t know anything about the local guides and also the maps i have visited an village and one person called me you know about the phone fully add our hotel to the Google maps he said i replied i don’t know about maps but he again & again said you know why are you joking then I have maked an work i mean i have opened the YouTube and seen an video how to add places to the Google maps after seeing the video it’s done and i have added the place then it’s showed me local guide option i have joined. At that time I don’t know any rules anything i just know adding photos, places for the points. i have joined in the local guide 2 years ago.
I have marked same process till in 2022 December also i have added duplicate photos (not just 2-3 7+ photos) without permission also and added the places without permission.
How i am changed?
I have an soo much interest on the I’d card as local guide and i have marked an post “We need I’d cards” in that one of the moderator (ErmesT) helped me he explained the rules also he told me "Your added similar photos what is the use of the are you doing this for points to protect your account remove the similar photos if you not you will be become as a Former Local Guide member and it’s your very soon for that. By his reply only i have deleted all of my photos upto 700-800… First he said i have thinked he was thinking me like his enemy i can’t understand he but now i was really sorry for him also i am now completely changed, and i am thank you sir for your valuable message it’s changed me (ErmesT)
The TravellerG also helped me very much by chatting with me making calls and telling about the rules and more tips to me i have learnt soo many from his. I was thinking now he’s was my inspiration, Thank you sir for changing me.
Also the really great helping person in the connect @MortenCopenhagen i am thankful to him also because he also explained me and he replied to my every post. Sir i am really waiting for your moderater i will make an prayer for the god because you need to become the moderator on the connect i am really waiting for that. Thank you for your helpful replies sir in every where (posts) All the best sir. I thinking sir you will be added to the Connect Moderator soon. Small note for the Google Moderators :- Hey Google Moderators i have thinking you have already readed it @InaS (Sorry for mentioning it’s was not an urgent or anything but i need to tell this) please add the moderator to MortenCopenhagen he was really helping everywhere from many days but he can’t gotten the moderator also i know what are required for the connect moderator and he also eligible for it
Note :- If i am talked anything wrong please forgive and i am really sorry for talking about the moderator & about that rules.
Thank You For Your helping all who are i mentioned.