Hi everyone, becoming a local guide wasn´t so meaningful to me until I realized how powerful it could be for those small business owners who don’t have marketing strategies or advertising everywhere, and here is my story… my dad is a very recognized mechanic in my city Bucaramanga, Santander, for almost 40 years he´s been working in his garage repairing all kind of cars, but when we talk about technology he barelys uses whatsapp on his smart phone, so the idea of having his information online or a website wasn´t something he was going to do by himself , then one day I was exploring on google maps the area where he has his garage, MY SURPRISE… my dad didn´t exist on the map, so in the first moment I was really excited about adding my dad´s garage and earning my points, but after the first week the truth came out, I had just placed my dad as the only 24hours available mechanic in my city , and the best was to start receiving calls in the middle of the night to requests his services, I not only gained the points for adding a new place, I provided a service for those who don’t have roadside assistance and a new tool for my dad to make new clients and get to those who really need him!