Hello good evening to you all my respected local guides around the world I am Abusafiya I am from Nigeria I shared my experience in the Google maps 2 years ago, I have posted alot of photos and reviews from different parts of the world, and I have more than 3.5million views on google local guides, I saw alot of programs and gifts received by different types of people around the globe, I don’t even know about any google local guides connect, that took place in USA please I really need your help I want to be part of the up coming program, I also want to receive alots of gifts and rewards from local guides, I need your help please, thank you.
Hi @Abusafiya ,
Welcome to Connect and thanks for sharing! : ]
We appreciate your contributions, as Local Guide’s Connect is a voluntary program and many people participate in it because they want to be able to help others via the Google Maps platform.(I would suggest you to check the handy post Question about a Local Guides perk email? Read this first for more information.)
Follow up to that, I just wanted to let you know that the current post would be relocated to How-tos, should it be more suitable to the main subject.
In addition to your last inquiry, please be noted that for this years Connect Live 2020 we would not be able to extend the deadline for application. We announced our application period, from March 2 to March 30th, 17 days in advance on Connect to give Local Guides plenty of time to prepare their application materials and/or earn points to become eligible to apply.
Ok I really appreciate your response, when I started my contributions in Google map local guide,my willings is just to help people around the world, I never expect to get a penny from any body, I don’t even know there was a local guide connect in USA or any other gifts or rewards, I have been doing it for the past 2-3 years I never got a penny from any body, but I can be able to get some rewards due to my efforts and contributions I would appreciate it so much, about the upcoming program in USA I will apply in 2021! Since your have already closed your Application, thank you very much, 2021 we meet in USA!
Hi @Abusafiya ,
Thanks for the positive energy you are sharing with us! : ]
I just wanted to let you know that I have changed a little bit the title of the post, please do feel free to check further if needed.
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