My Happy Place on Earth

Hi people!

We are living a nightmare these days. If you watch TV there are bad news in every corner of this planet. But you need to stay update so watch the news, you are suffering for those who are suffering, no matter where they’re, you feel the pain as if the pain were yours, if you’re a believer so you pray if not you wait for better days.

Some times you need to get out of this horror and put in your face something like a smile.

For me I find a little time of joy watching old pictures of my trips.

Today I want to share with all of you this one

What can I say? Disneyland is my happy place on Earth. I’m a grown woman but when I go to this place I feel like a child, not better, because a child needs supervision and the ok of the parents for everything, I can go whatever I can, or eat or buy whatever I want there (always on my budget course).

I miss been there, this pandemic get down my trip to Disney this month, but I know this bad times will be end, I hope soon and I will be there again.

Keep safe.


Silvi :argentina:

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I’ve never been to Disney World, @SilvyC , but I was able to get a taste of this magic in Disneyland, in France. I hope that soon I can visit Orlando also. Thank you for sharing this beautiful photo! Saludos desde Brasil.


Yes this is a real nightmare @SilvyC which in a generation we have not witnessed before and as I wrote here, like you I have never watched so much TV and have been reminiscing through my holiday photos. Oh how lucky we are that in lock down times like this we have our photos. The nightmare will be over one day and you will be able to re-visit Disneyland Silvi so stay strong, keep safe and well until then. I hope to see your future Disneyland photos soon.


Thanks @AlexandreCampbell I’ve never been in Orlando either. This photo is of Disneyland in Los Ángeles, California. Is the only Disney park I know because of my love for that city. I went there three times so far. There are only two parks here, Disneyland and California Adventure, you can visit in one day ( two would be better) so you can visit it as a part of your whole vacation, pretty different if you go to your next time in California don’t forget to visit this place.
Saludos Alex!


Thanks @AdamGT I hope so!


Silvi :nicaragua:


Estoy seguro @SilvyC que a fin de año podrás ir nuevamente a Disney, ya habrá pasado un poco la pandemia. :pray:t3:

Es un lugar donde no fui todavía, no se si en el futuro viajaré allí, entre los 20 y 30 fue un lugar que deseaba ir con muchas ganas. Hoy me hace muy feliz conocer nuevos lugares. Un sitio que me lleno de alegría y emociones fue la Isla de Pascuas. Veremos que depara el futuro, hoy ya casi no estopa planificando que lugar visitar, deseo que todo esto que estamos viviendo concluya y recién planificaré.


@SilvyC nice post. Disneyland is a beautiful place of joy where all people can forget their problems for a day and have as children.


@SilvyC I liked your post very much, the photo shared by you is extraordinary beautiful.

I wish the entire community will soon overcome this current pandemic situation of COVID-19. And everyone will be able to go out of home to enjoy marvelous places.

But until then ‘Stay Home, Stay Safe’ and take care of you and your family.


@SilvyC I would very much be happy to be able to go back to Disneyland. I went to the Disneyland in Anaheim and I couldn’t get enough of it. No matter how young or old one is… Disneyland always touches that inner child in everyone. Stay Safe and healthy… cheers!!


HI @SilvyC

I also like to go to Disneyland very much. I have been to Hong Kong Disneyland and Tokyo Disneyland in Japan! Although he is already an adult, Disney has a magical power that can make me forget everything and enjoy a full day there. Every time I come to Disney, it seems to be to enrich my energy!

Did you take a photo or sign with the characters at Disney? I really like interacting with them. Please ask the characters to sign for me and take a photo together. The Disney can still wash print photos! This is a great experience.


@SilvyC Agree with you, this is a special place that makes you feel like a child!!! In my case I felt smaller than my children! jajajja!!! I have the fortune of have visited this astonishing places, and when I could I will try to organize a new one.

Thanks for sharing, I let you a pic with my family in Magic Kingdom’s Main Street in Christmas eve!



Hi @SilvyC , I was planning a tour of France in the summer and one of my goals was to visit Disneyland in Paris. This pandemic has ruined everything, but I do not lose hope. Disneyland is there and it will not escape, we just have to be alive and well!

Best regards!


Que linda foto @FaridTDF no conozco Chile aún. Deberías intentar Disney algún día, no digo ir a Orlando que con tantos parques necesitas una semana sólo ahí, pero el de LA se puede visitar en un día y es muy divertido. Es otro mundo.


Silvi :argentina:


You’re right @raffaele_guidolin I think is a place for believers.


Silvi :argentina:


Yes, is true @vijayparadkar keep safe you too!


Silvi :argentina:


I know @user_not_found you never get enough of Disneyland.

Keep safe you too friend.


Silvi :argentina:


I liked your pictures @LevisLu I took a photo with Mickey once but I can’t find it. In my next time I will follow your advice and I will post the picture.


Silvi :argentina:


Hi @FaridTDF

I too enjoyed my journey to mystical Easter Island and briefly mentioned this in the post here. Just another one of the places that I’d love to write a full post about.


Hermosa foto de tu familia @SebaasC veía ti foto con tanta gente, como siempre hay en Disney, y me preguntaba cómo será (no solo cuando) volver ahí, o a lugares tan concurridos no? Será que todo va a cambiar a partir de ahora y para siempre?:person_shrugging:t2::female_sign:

Algún día volveremos, éso seguro.


Silvi :argentina:


You’re right @mockata2 we will back there soon, and we never should lose hope.


Silvi :argentina: