My greatest love - Coffee

Hi Guys!
My name is Ella, I am a local guide from Tel Aviv, Israel and my biggest love is Coffee!
Wherever I travel all over the globe, my favorite thing to find is great coffee shops- Ill allways look for the local cutest Café around.
Not only I start my days with a good Soy - milk Capuccino, I also love documenting different ways & places to drink coffee around the globe.
As for my own city Tel Aviv, I have my own top 10 list-

Top 10 Cafés in Tel Aviv:

  1. “Tachtit”

  2. “Loveat” Habima

  3. “Sheleg”

  4. “Bialik”

  5. “Edmond”

6.“Cafe Shapira”

7.“Cafelix” Shlomo Ha Melech st.

  1. “POC Cafe”

  2. Kiosko

  3. We like you too

And here are some photos out of my Instagram account-