My great bike tour of Italy: The Royal Palace of Caserta. Stage 13th

Today I have to hurry, rain is forecast, so I have to leave early. Heck, breakfast starts at 8:00, the further south you go the later they have breakfast. I get organized and at 9:00 I’m ready, let’s go! Gaeta is beautiful with the sea of her and even arriving in Formia the spectacle of Gaeta in the background is incredible. I try to use the state road as much as possible and resist the temptation of the sirens, since we are in the Homeric area, which continue on the earpiece to tell me to turn left, turn left. Until at a certain point I hear him tell me to turn right, that is, towards the sea, I listen to him. What a show! The sea with high waves, so much so that some brave people practice surfing, which crash on the shore and in the distance there is a fog formed by sea foam.

Here I find a beautiful 4 km long cycle path. I go out to get back on the state road but the track deceives me. I find myself walking along internal streets and, as is my habit, I try to avoid it. This maneuver means that I find myself in front of a Roman aqueduct with dozens of arches, the Vespasian aqueduct. I try to frame as best I can with the camera so that as many arcs as possible appear. I set off again and immediately afterwards I find myself in front of another wonder, a Bourbon railway bridge, defined as suspended. It is on the Garigliano river which marks the border between Lazio and Campania and therefore, without realizing it and without signs, it enters the new region. I cycle along the river and head towards Domizia bay. A fence prevents access to the natural area of the bay. I arrive at the campsites and here I drill. Not without a few curses, I remember that I am not a great expert in repairing bicycles, I have to agree with my friend Salvatore. I try to fix the rear wheel without turning the bicycle upside down, I don’t want to make him laugh more. I can’t do it, I have to turn the bike, laugh, laugh!! I managed the feat in just 30 minutes and set off again. Across the Appia state road, after countless tours around Baia Domizia, I leave the sea for good. I turn towards the Appia Antica and continue towards Caserta which is still 60 km away. The roads are definitely not at their best and in all the places I pass it has just stopped raining, endless puddles on the sides of the road and not only that, I continue to dodge with my bicycle to avoid them, a gymkhana. I decide not to eat and to maintain a good average as much as possible in order to reach Caserta in time to visit the Royal Palace. The passage through Capua with its monuments is interesting, I am a photographer but my head is entirely projected towards Caserta and towards the possibility that it will start to rain.

Last km and the sun lights up the Novotel that I can see from the nearby overpass, the rain is averted. Quick shower and off I go for the four kilometers on foot that separate me from the royal palace, let’s hope we can get in. I only manage to arrive in time to visit the royal apartments, the gardens have already closed, I’m still happy. The surprise comes from the price, incredibly only 4 euros. The entrance staircase takes your breath away even if it is very reminiscent of Palazzo Madama in Turin, I will have to investigate which of the two was built first. A series of rooms with countless works of art, including some modern ones, accompany the visitors’ journey. Vanvitelli did so many that he managed to tire me too, it must have been the kilometers on the bike, but? I decided that to go back to the hotel I will take a taxi, I can afford it given the savings on the ticket. Definitely worth seeing is the Neapolitan nativity scene, incredibly beautiful! I go to eat, I’m hungry, I skipped lunch at midday and riding a bike uses up a lot of energy. (The palace of Caserta was built by the Bourbons, rulers of the Two Sicilies, one of the many states into which Italy was divided in 1700, entrusting the design to Luigi Vanvitelli. Begun in 1752, it was completed in 1845. The palace has a surface of 47,000 square meters: it is 247 meters long, 190 wide and 41 high, it has four courtyards measuring 74 by 52 meters, practically a normal football field, five floors plus the basement intended for kitchens and workshops, in total there are 1,200 rooms, 34 stairs, while the windows are 1,742. It is slightly smaller than Versailles, but not by much, but its enormous park makes it the largest palace in the world. It was included in the 1997 list of UNESCO heritage sites world.)

the movie

1 View of Gaeta from Formia

2 Roman aqueduct of Vespasian in Minturno Scauri

3 Bourbon suspension bridge

4 The Garigliano river divides the regions of Lazio (Rome) and Campania (Naples)

5 church in the ancient city of Capua

6 The Royal Palace of Caserta

7 Royal Palace of Caserta, the grand staircase

8 Royal Palace of Caserta, the grand staircase

9 Royal Palace of Caserta, the Palatine Chapel

10 Royal Palace of Caserta, Alexander Hall

11 Royal Palace of Caserta, endless corridors behind me

12 Royal Palace of Caserta, Throne Room

13 Royal Palace of Caserta, The bed of the rulers

14 Royal Palace of Caserta, The Neapolitan nativity scene

15 Royal Palace of Caserta, at sunset

@ErmesT @LuigiZ @DENIT33 @PattyBlack @DeniGu @TravellerG @renata1 @Stephanie_OWL @AntonellaGr @Mukul_Anand



So schöne Bilder und eine tolle Tour


Grazie molte @Annaelisa

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Hello dear Paolo @plavarda

Another great post. The Royal Palace impresses with its size, magnificent interior decoration, long corridors with amazing paintings, elegant architecture, sculptures of lions, symbols of power and wealth and frescoes telling about the life of the royals. The Baroque palace delights with its beauty and elegant interiors, especially the Alexander Hall dedicated to Alexander the Great. Beautiful bas-reliefs on the walls and ceiling paintings - the wedding of Alexander the Great and Roxana. The Royal Palace in Caserta is the largest residence in the world. The palace is simply a masterpiece! Beautiful marble floors, works of art in the numerous halls of the palace, a wonderful garden. Thank you for sharing this post and we found out about this Bourbon royal residence. Your post made me study and look at information about this Royal Palace in Caserta.

Thank you.

My best wishes,



*Hello Paolo @plavarda *

I would like to ask you the name of the tree that is in your photo number 4.Is it a pine tree? I have seen such amazing trees with a magnificent crown only in Italy.

Have a nice weekends,



Ciao carissima Inna @helga19 ,grazie infinite per la tua risposta e spero tu possa visitare presto questa meraviglia reggia, anche perché significherebbe il ritorno della pace, bene supremo del mondo. L’albero della foto 4 è un pino marittimo (pinus pinaster.) Percorrendo l’Italia da nord a sud ho visto il cambiamento degli alberi come contorno ai prati e strade. Si inizia da nord con abeti e pini, come da voi penso, per passare ai faggi in mezza collina, in pianura i pioppi che seguono i fiumi, per poi passare in Toscana, dove i cipressi sono i più presenti sulle colline senesi. Verso Roma prevalgono i pini marittimi e poi giù sempre più con la macchina mediterranea e i suoi colori e profumi.

Ti ringrazio ancora Inna e ti mando un bacio dall’Italia.



Wow maravillosas tomas :grin: es un lugar con una rica historia.

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Quanti bei ricordi stai facendo riaffiorare dal mio cassetto delle memorie @plavarda pensa che la Reggia di Caserta era meta preferita per il giorno di Pasquetta tanti anni fa e i giardini facevano da sfondo a molte foto di sposi nel giorno del matrimonio inoltre non mancava mai tra le mete di gite scolastiche. Io ho una bellissima foto di quando ero una bambina in posa davanti alla Reggia, ci si fermava spesso nel parco esterno perché li a pochi metri ci abitavano dei miei zii molto cari. Invece l’ultima volta che ci sono tornata da turista era già tardi per l’ingresso quindi dovrò ritornarci! Intanto mi sono rifatta gli occhi con le tue bellissime. Le tue avventure sono come sempre emozionanti e sorprendenti! Grazie per raccontarcele :pray: :hugs:

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A Grand tour & wonderful post with panoramic view picture sir @plavarda :sparkles:

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Hi @plavarda ,

I have a photo with one of the lions next to the grand staircase (in photos 7 and 8 ) from almost 10 years ago! Oh wow, time really flies. :disappointed_relieved:

It’s so nice to continue to follow your journey virtually, Paolo. You made me laugh right from the start of your post, when you said that “the further south you go the later they have breakfast.” I couldn’t agree more! :grinning:


Ciao @DeniGu mi piace sentire chi è stato negli stessi posti dove sono passato anche io, ed è vero il tempo vola, e lo dici tu che sei giovanissima, pensa cosa dovrei dire io alla mia età!!! Devo recuperare tanti viaggi mai fatti perchè bisognava sempre lavorare, lavorare e non c’era mai il tempo per la cosa più bella che ci sia, viaggiare, conoscere, interagire con le persone…tante bellissime emozioni, viva la vita!!!

Un forte abbraccio dall’Italia e scusa se ti taggo rubandoti tempo prezioso al tuo lavoro!



Grazie @ShailendraOjha sono felice che i miei post ti piacciono, continua a seguirmi e continuerai a viaggiare con me in Italia.

Un abbraccio



Ciao @PattyBlack Patrizia, per era era la prima volta, come dicevo anche a Denigu, quando si è giovani e si ha in mente solo il lavoro, non si pensa ai viaggi, a quella cosa che più aumenta la tua conoscenza a livello culturale e umana. Ora viaggio ma il tempo non sarà mai abbastanza, purtroppo!

Grazie carissima amica mia. Un bacio.


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Grazie mille @Carlos23_1 seguimi e avrai altre sorprese con le prossime tappe del tour in Italia in bicicletta.

Un abbraccio


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Wonderful & great tour ever. Details story & stunning picture both are amazing.

Bike packing trip is my favorite one for travelling the world.


Thank you @plavarda Sir for sharing such amazing bike tour. The pictures are breathtaking and full of freshness. I am sure your bike journey must have been full of goodness. The descriptiveness of the bike journey is an engaging read and perfectly blended! Thank you once again for the share with us Sir. Regards!


Grazie Molte @Soykot_azam seguo con piacere la tua avventura in bicicletta nel tuo paese!

Un abbraccio dall’Italia


Grazie infinite @AnubhaBangia , hai esaminato benissimo il post come solo una buona Local Guide sa fare, Sì è stato un viaggio fantastico e potrai scoprirlo ancora di più nelle prossime tappe che andrò a breve a pubblicare.

Un forte abbraccio dall’Italia.


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@plavarda :smile: es ist ein Vergnügen deine Etappen nun in einem Stück lesen zu können!

Ich habe ja lange nicht gelesen oder war aktiv hier, umso mehr genieße ich es nun dies zu tun!

Wenn ich früher, in meinem jungen Erwachsenenalter Bücher las, so versuchte ich, eine ganze Buchreihe in einem Stück zu kaufen. Ich habe sie verschlungen und war sehr ungeduldig wenn ich warten musste, bis der Autor einen nächsten Band herausbrachte.

Nun ist es heute mit deiner Reise genauso! Ich freue mich, dass ich noch weitere 7 Tage vor mir habe und genieße es, Tag für Tag zu lesen, an einem Stück :joy:

Je weiter man in den Süden kommt, desto später frühstücken sie! Ich musste grinsen, denn wenn ich im Urlaub bin, ist es für mich auch schwierig zu warten bis die Frühstückszeit kommt. Ich möchte los, erkunden, erleben… um 8 Uhr frühstücken ist daher auch für mich spät, ich kann dich daher SEHR gut verstehen!

Die imposanten Treppen des Königspalastes benötigten nicht zusätzlich die majestätischen Löwen um Macht, Reichtum und Ansehen zu symbolisieren, jedoch unterstreichen sie, wie ein Wink mit dem Betonpfeiler - wie man bei uns sagt, die ohnehin atemberaubende Kulisse.

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Carissima @Stephanie_OWL ho dovuto tribolare parecchio con gli orari delle colazioni molto adeguati per chi è in vacanza in spiaggia ma non per un viaggiatore affamato e poi vedrai ancora più problematico perchè ho incrociato anche il cambio da ora legale a ora solare: un’ora in meno di luce!!

Non voglio paragonare Csaserta a Versailles, anche perchè non ho ancora visitato la reggia francese, ma credo siano tutte e due elegantemente, prepotentemente, molto belle!

L’hotel di Caserta era business pertanto nessun problema di orari! :):):slight_smile:

Kussen (giusto?)
