I love to share detailed reviews and photos on Google Map. I like to write about tales or historic facts about the place because I feel a place is a fossilised memory of all that has passed in the world. I believe some people love brevity and so a picture can convey a thousand words to them whereas some others like me are more verbose and love to read about places and the stories about them. I made feeble attempts to document places right in my childhood through picture scrapbooks and diary entries. Google Maps helped me live all this again with definitely more organised and creative content. As a curator I feel happy to make my culture more accessible to people, the art and architecture of India as well as its natural pristine heartlands finds resonance in global thoughts and that definitely helps in increasing the footfalls. As a user of the application myself, I feel a sense of security in exploring new places; I feel more informed in adventuring into unknown grounds. The way it integrates visual freedom in conceptualising places both in photographic form and 3-D walkthroughs makes one go globe trotting and experiencing the places mentally if not physically. Google maps provides me with a canvas and the resources to map my discoveries and adventures. Imagine if Vasco-de-Gama or Columbus had similar access! Being able to bring these places to all those who can and cannot travel so often or as they wish is what I enjoy most on Google Maps.
Really thanks to this, long back we learnt Map reading by help of compas… And now everything became easy… Even during night hours too… Only thing missing location to be added, same will be helpful to others…