My First meet-up In Kolhapur

It was an amazing experience when I found out that I was present as a local guide for kolhapur. Tushar sir arranged a meetup for the Kolhapur local guides, and I was excited to be a part of it. On the 21st of April, we gathered at the New Palace, which is one of the oldest palaces in Kolhapur

I arrived a bit late, but @TusharSuradkar sir, @Aman3754 sir, @Supriyadevkar ma’am, were already there, welcoming me warmly. Even though we were all meeting for the first time, we instantly connected. Tushar sir emphasized the importance of providing valuable information on Google Connect without any promotional intent. He encouraged us to make our posts engaging and informative, ensuring that even foreigners would find them interest

During the meetup, we sat in the beautiful palace garden, chatting and exchanging ideas. Tushar_Suradka sir shared some stickers and other goodies with us, making the experience even more memorable

Speaking of the New Palace, it’s truly a gem of Kolhapur’s history. Built in the 19th century, it showcases exquisite architecture and rich heritage. Visitors can explore its magnificent halls, adorned with intricate carvings and royal artifacts. The palace also offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape, making it a must-visit destination for tourists and locals alike.

Overall, the meetup was a short but delightful experience for me. I’m grateful to Tushar sir for organizing it and for sharing valuable insights about being a Google local guide.


Very well-written recap dear Abhinandan @AP2280 :+1:

It was an amazing experience visiting Kolhapur - for the first time.

Though I have visited once in 1989 and again in 2001 it was confined to Temple Darshan.

I will for always remember the helpful gesture by local guides of Kolhapur for volunteering to arrange local transport :handshake: :hugs:

Looking forward to attending your next meetup :bouquet:


That’s pretty fast work posting a recap, @AP2280 !! :grinning:

It was nice to meet you all virtually; next time I will try meeting personally.



Thanks, @AjitThite ! It was great meeting you virtually too. Looking forward to the next meetup where we can hopefully meet in person. Until then, let’s keep sharing our experiences and insights as local guides. Cheer :blush:


Congrats @AP2280 for your first meet up , First step towards long , journey :pray: :pray: :pray:


@AP2280 Abhinandan, your debut meetup report shines with enthusiasm.मनःपूर्वक अभिनंदन! Your description of the Kolhapur gathering is delightful. You are truly blessed to have @TusharSuradkar Dada leading the way. Keep soaking in his guidance - it’s the key to your success! :old_key: Continue the keen spirit in exploring and sharing, and you’ll surely inspire others in the local guides’ community. Well done! :star2: :clap:


Hi @AP2280

In fact, @AjitThite is hosting a meetup in Pune on 19th May.

You can try joining that :blush:

A bit earlier, I am hosting a meetup on 27 April.

You are welcome too :handshake:


Perfectly said @RaviSharma111 :+1:

It is a first step towards a “long” journey.


Thank for the wonderful compliments and wishes dear @ModNomad

I too am eager to see Kolhapur local guides moving ahead and build the momentum with more meetups in the coming weeks and months :+1:

@AP2280 My best wishes :handshake:


Thanks for the heads up, @TusharSuradkar ! I appreciate the invitation to both meetups. I’ll definitely try to join @AjitThite sir meetup in Pune on the 19th of May, and if I can make it, I’ll be sure to attend your meetup on the 27th of April as well. Looking forward to connecting with everyone again!


Thank you, @RaviSharma111 ! I appreciate the congratulations. It was indeed a great first step, and I’m excited for the journey ahead. Satyameva Jayat


Thank you so much, @ModNomad ! Your words of encouragement mean a lot to me. I’m grateful for the opportunity to learn from someone as experienced and knowledgeable as @TusharSuradkar Dada. I’ll definitely continue to soak in his guidance and strive to explore and share with the same enthusiasm. Your support motivates me to keep pushing forward and inspiring others in the local guides’ community. Thanks again for your kind wo


Congratulations for posting your first recap so successfully!, fellow LG @AP2280

Appreciate your talent and zeal…

Thank you for sharing this information!

Physical Meet-ups are very important for building such relationships.

Yes our Connect Moderator @TusharSuradkar is a well knowledgeable person and very supportive…

Hope to see more from you…



Hello, dear fellow LG @AP2280

I have a gentle suggestion…

(Currently your username is not very user friendly)

Username (UN):

  • Username of a person is very important.
  • Keep the UN easily rememberable for others - probably, other LGs use/type your username more than you.
  • Keep the UN simple, short and legible.
  • I suggest keeping UN in English which makes it easy to Tag.
  • Make the UN easily connectable with your name/profile/personality.
  • Of course, if your DP (profile photo) can help others remember your UN, it will be good.

Hope you will tag me if you need further support…



Thank you, @TravellerG ! I’m glad you enjoyed the recap. Your kind words mean a lot to me. I agree, physical meet-ups are invaluable for building strong relationships within the local guides’ community. And yes, @TusharSuradkar 's knowledge and support are truly invaluable. I’m excited to continue sharing and contributing more. Looking forward to seeing you at future meetups as well!


Thank you for the suggestion, @TravellerG ! I appreciate your thoughtful input. :pray:t3: I’ll definitely consider making my username more user-friendly and memorable for others. It’s important for easy tagging and connecting within the community. I’ll aim for simplicity and clarity, keeping it in English for easier communication. And yes, having a recognizable profile photo can certainly help others remember my username. I’ll keep your advice in mind and make the necessary adjustments. Thanks again for your support!


Congrats @AP2280 for your first meet-up,


“…excited to continue sharing…”

That sounds like a great promise… Highly appreciate your zeal!

Hope to see you in the upcoming Meet-ups.

Regards with greetings, dear friend @AP2280

:handshake: :heartbeat:

You are most welcome dear @AP2280 ,

In case If you need any assistance, kindly tag me or communicate through our social media.
