My First Local Guides post

Hello Friends!

This is my first post on this forum. Not that I never wanted to post; I was not aware of any such forum or its existence. But it is really good. Now I can meet and learn from several other local guides. It is very well said our life is like a library of books, there is so much to learn as long as you wish to learn :)". Today I learnt about his forum and its benefits among other learnings [e.g. I leart about DB2 sqlstates and its usage :)]

Okay… Why Local Guides ? That make me ask - Why Google Maps ? Why Google ?

And this 3rd question “Why Google?” is actually an answer not a question? Let me explain. I mean what else do we have today? People have forgot words li ke “search”, “find”, “explore” blah blah. Whenever you don’t have an answer all you are told about is “Go GOOGLE it”. I believe you got why I said 3rd question is an answer.

So, since we have no option but to GOOGLE, for anything and everything, and hence GOOGLE for places and destinations. If you google a destination, you will be directed to GOOGLE MAPS.

Now to why Local Guides? This world is so very big and vast. Further it is like 7-8 billion worlds. I mean every person has his very own way of looking at things, places etc. By sharing one’s world with others, one can help others see the world the way he/she saw. I believed in this philosophy and used GOOGLE and GOOGLE MAPS to share my world with the rest of the world.

I hope it adds value to others and they may change the way they see this world in a positive way.

Please share your views and comments.

Thank you!

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Please ignore some typos. I will ensure to run a spell checker in future.