My February 2024 achievements 1.4+Million new views

Hello dear LG friends,

Excited to share my February 2024 achievements with the LG Community!

My contribution received 1,440,221 New views

I have done 2383 contributions

I have earned 8,550 Points.

I have contributed 134 unique places

Photos I have added gained 256,820 more views.

Reviews I have added gained 41,224 more views.

It’s an honor to be part of this supportive group that always cheers on even the smallest victories. Thank you all for your encouragement!

Best regards,



Your stats shows the level of involvement and passion you have for the community @PrasadVR .

1.4M+ new views in a month is a significant number to achieve.

I liked the way you presented the monthly stat in a smart fashion.

Keep building informed community stronger :muscle: together.



1.4 M New views superb gain congrats @PrasadVR Ji :handshake:


Congratulations @PrasadVR , you are in fire!


Wow @PrasadVR , that’s a BIG month. I needed to see this on my PC so I could make sure I was seeing that number right in the image; 41,000+ views on your reviews in just one month is amazing.


@Kumaarsantosh Thank you for your kind words and support.

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@ShailendraOjha ji Thank you for your appreciations and wishes.

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Thank you sir, @AdamGT , for you constant support and encouragement. Your kind words means a lot to me. I am pleased to say that participating in the Top 100 Leaderboard System has motivated me and helped me to contribute better.

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I’m pleased to hear that the Leaderboards have motivated you @PrasadVR to contribute better “quality”. As well as the fun and friendly competitive side of the Leaderboards, they have certainly helped me to realize how to improve my contributions.

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@AdamGT Thank you for your kind words! Your appreciation means a lot to me! The Top 100 Leaderboards System motivates me to improve the quality of my contributions. Also, learning from our LG friends during discussions is a great experience, filled with motivation and fun .


Very good @PrasadVR

You had an active month!!

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Congratulations @PrasadVR

Keep contributing and sharing.

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@NareshDarji Thank you so much for your kind words of motivation :handshake: .

Wow, many many congratulations for your achivement @PrasadVR :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball:

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Thank you @Tandrima2 for your compliments.

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