My favourite sabji/vegetable sham savera

When I read the quote I feel very happy.seriously our life is so colourful so no need of artificial colors in our life and in our food also.
Yesterday I visit my favourite vegetarian hotel that is pavner.
Here I love one vegetable that is Sham savera which is my favourite sabji.

It’s my favourite sabji because it is very colourful. In this hotel they don’t use artificial colour so they definitely try to give us original colour veggies.
Here in this vegetable green portion is prepared with green vegetables like beans carrot cauliflower and our special spinach.
The other one red gravy is prepared with paneer which is little bit sweet and spicy but very delicious and tasty. This vegetable is served with cucumber and grated cheese paneer which is very healthy and tasty one.
In stater we ordered spinach cheese corn rolls.
This is also a very healthy option where you can get spinach, corns and cheese rolled with small roti and fried in oil.

So these are my favourite sabji and starter.if you like to eat try this hotel.


Indeed…! All vegetables look colorful and yummy :yum:
The gravy color and texture have come out perfect :+1:
Wonderful photos @Supriyadevkar


Wonderful combination of natural colors in the vegetables. Dish looks delicious.

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Das Essen sieht sehr gut und lecker :yum: aus :+1: @Supriyadevkar

It’s delicious :yum:@Supriyadevkar

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Seeing your food review makes me want to eat mine too
And we should all have healthy and natural foods in our diet.
If we have good health, we can enjoy the colorful world more beautifully.

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A classic quote indeed, @Supriyadevkar . I liked the food photos from you; really nice.


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Exactly so it healthy.

Thanks a lot for apricitation

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Thanks a lot getesh

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Thanks a lot @Ssiddharth2000

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Thanks a lot @TusharSuradkar

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The food looks so delicious :yum::drooling_face: @Supriyadevkar

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Thanks a lot @SarathUpendran

This seems tempting :yum::yum:

Yes it is very tasty and yummy also.

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