My favorite Thai style Bento

Welcome to #MonthlyTopic of May 2020 initiated by @HiroyukiTakisawa . The topic of this month is Bento. So now, I would like to introduce you to my favorite Thai style Bento.

It is Rice with Spicy Shrimp Paste Sauce. The ingredients are rice, boiled vegetables, fresh vegetables, fried mackerel, deep fried eggplant, climbing wattle omelette and of course Spicy Shrimp Paste Sauce. This dish is healthy and delicious. The fried mackerel is a bit salty. The flavors of Spicy Shrimp Paste Sauce are salty, sour and a bit sweet. Yes, the sauce is quite spicy. That is why we have it with rice, boiled and fresh vegetables.

I buy this Bento from Ton Khao Hom Cafe & Farm. It is a small business in my area. This restaurant & cafe is also one of my favorite places in my area. The owner and staff are really friendly and attentive. The ambient is cozy and relaxing. The best part is the rice field view. So, make sure to take time to enjoy it.

And that is it, my favorite Thai style Bento from Tom Khao Hom Cafe & Farm.

What is your favorite take-out or home-packed meal? Let me know in the comment section.


Oh, I like this one, Mbak @Ant_Bad_Yogi

Fried fish, fried eggplant, and sambal, while eaten next to paddy field. Really, really great experience!

But I prefer my long bean served fresh, and add some cabbage, too! Here in Indonesia it’s called “lalap.” :yum: :yum:


But I’m rather curious with the vegetables on the left of the fish, Mbak @Ant_Bad_Yogi .

What’s the name of that vegetable in Thailand? If I’m not mistaken, that’s called “bunga turi” here in Indonesia (I don’t know what’s its English name. 555)

It taste a little bit bitter. Usually we eat it with spicy peanut sauce (Indonesian: sambal pecel).


Great photos with nice description @Ant_Bad_Yogi I love the shrimp paste sauce and I think it is sweet and sour, I am not sure. Thanks for sharing this nice post. Regards.


You are so cool @Ant_Bad_Yogi .

Eat Rice with spicy Shrimp Pasta Sauce , then drink cool mineral water, then zip slowly the Hot Matcha Latte while waching the green yelowish paddy dancing in the field at the Ton Khao Hom Cafe and Farm.

It is paradise.

You are so lucky and should be grateful.

Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy


Mas @iorikun301 Thank you for the compliments. :slightly_smiling_face: Fresh long beans would be nice with the sauce too. There is boiled cabbage in the box as well. Next to the fish head. It’s hard to see all kinds of veggies for this photo.

You are right. We can have any veggies as you want. This makes it super healthy.


Mas @iorikun301 It’s called Dok Kae in Thai. I’m not sure if it’s called “katuri flower” in English. Yes, it is a bit bitter.

I like spicy food. That’s why I want to try Indonesian Sambal.


@MukulR Thank you for the compliments. The flavors are salty from shrimp paste, sour from lemon juice and a bit sweet from palm sugar. I wish you can try it, Thai style. :slightly_smiling_face:


Mas @BudiFXW wkwkwk, I like your creativity and imagination. But it’s true, I have done that many times because this place is not far from my house. Yes, I’m lucky and grateful.

Hope I visit Indonesia one day, so I can meet with you and all amazing LGs there.


Hello, @Ant_Bad_Yogi

Yes, it’s definitely yummy and so Thailand. The Spicy Shrimp Paste Sauce makes me hungry, so it must be nice for bento. Thank you for sharing :yum:

Change the subject, are you eating lunch in such nice places every day? I’m jealous of you :grin:


@HiroyukiTakisawa Wish you can try it if you come visit Thailand. It is one of my favorite Bento. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hahaha, I wish I could. It’s a nice place, the view is amazing. The owner and staff are nice and friendly as well. I really like it.

Can’t wait for next month’s topic. :slightly_smiling_face:


I will try the sauce @Ant_Bad_Yogi . Thanks for the comments. BTW, I am going to host a virtual meet-up. RSVP here. If you can manage time, please try to join. Regards.


Oh no @Ant_Bad_Yogi , you didn’t prepare it all by yourself. :wink:

I was reading keenly to see your recipe only to see the link of the restuarant.

Thank you for sharing your stylish Bento meal with us here on connect.

Best regards.

You owe me a large portion of smoked fish. 555


Ah, yes, Mbak @Ant_Bad_Yogi

It’s katuri flower. The same with bunga turi.

We often eat it boiled, and then dip it to spicy and sour shrimp paste sauce (Indonesian: sambal petis).


@MukulR OK, I just checked it out. It will be 9PM my time. If I can manage, I will RSVP and attend it. :slightly_smiling_face: Thank you for the invitation.


Hahaha, @Austinelewex I’m sorry to make you down. But your comment is funny, I can’t do anything but laughing. Thank you for your attention to this post.

By the way, since when have I owed you smoked fish? Hahaha


I will eagerly be waiting for you @Ant_Bad_Yogi . Thanks


555 @Ant_Bad_Yogi

Are you curious chananart? Are you scared to owe people? 555.

As a friend, I can decide you owe me many things, it is a more polite way to say ironically.

You made me hungry with the smoked fish inside the bento box.

I was only kidding.

Have a great day!


Mas @iorikun301 wish I have a chance to try Sambal Petis one day.


Hahaha, I see, @Austinelewex . I suppose you already ate.

I’m not scared to owe anyone. I keep my promises, words. So if I say it or I owe someone, I would do it. That’s why.