Hi, I am Mo’ath Diraneyya, a scout leader from Jordan.
During my work as a scout, I explored and evaluated countless locations for our trips, so when google notified me encouraging my to share my thought on a local landmark, I was very happy to do so!
I slowly began investing more and more time writing more detailed reviews and capturing more pictures for every new location.
Google maps offers a vast world of opportunities to help and guide people, and I was lucky enough to experience the impact of this effort myself during my trip to states last summer. Google maps made me feel safe during my trip, I never felt lost, I could find reviews and pictures for every place I wanted to visit.
This is why I am proud to be a local guide, because it allows me to provide this amazing experience for those who visit my country.
I also have some ideas that I am really excited to share with you, so Google, please connect us!
Hello @Moath_Dira ,
Welcome to Connect!
Keep in mind that one of the requirements for Connect Live 2020 was to share your post on the Local Stories board. Just to let you know, I’ve moved your post there.
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