My experience

One day i had to go in my sub divisional office for some personal reason. so i get up in the morning 6 o’clock and doing all the work and take bath and breakfast and start journey with my scooter so i decide to make some points in google map and contributing some places images. so i started take picture and upload in map some details contact number and half hour after i reached in sub divisional office and complete my work, after that i again start editing in map some stal restaurant and temple the point are already adding before in the map so i edited upload image and extra details. after some time some people are asked mi why i take picture of their shop or restaurant then i explain them i am a local guide in google map so some person are understand my words and helping mi for giving details about there shops, and i uploaded all details in map after complete some shope i reached a sweet shop name is sippi sweet shop in new malbazar railway junction i asked for take a picture for google map but the owner is angry with mi and said don’t take any picture of her shop i am shocked. then i asked her some question and tell her all the details about google map and aftar i told her if i upload your shops details and image then lots of customer will come and purchese sweet. Then hi agree and allow mi to take picture and giving details. and its my memorable experience in a local guide.