My experience as a local guide

The most interesting thing that I have done as a local guide was to get in touch, to socialize with locals from all places visited by me, and also to listen to their life stories and experiences.


Hi @TonyPopa

Thank you for your post. It seems it’s an application for this year’s event Connect Live 2020. Make sure you read our guidelines on writing a great application for Connect Live. Follow these tips to create your Connect Live 2020 Video Application.

Don’t forget to check our tips on creating Google Maps lists, which will be an important part of your Connect Live application.

Please be advised that I moved your post to Local Stories where applicants should submit their response.

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Este pozitiv să cunoști că într-un oras mic , sunt LG locali care sunt activi în comunitatile locale.Oare câți ghizi sunt în Craiova?Hai să ne întâlnim pentru a ne împărtăși ideile,pentru socializare…

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