My Discovery of Local Guide

This is a story how accidentally I discovered Local Guide. I am enthusiastic in Travel & Photography. I use google photos to backup my Photos, but there is no such feature to tag places to each photos. And if you have a collection of 2000 photos then it is quite unmanageable to remember the place name where I shoot those photos.

I found an option in google map to tag photos to particular place. Here one disadvantage is you need to re-upload the photo again, but this solution was okay for me. As I made all my photos Public which are tagged in Google map, I started getting views. Some of my photos get 20000 views and .35 million view altogether, which were quite exciting for me.

I make a habit to share my photos whenever I visit a new places, also I do occasionally share my experience about places or local business. I believe local guide is now a essential & uncorrupted platform (I have not find any intentional/biased positive/negative points/remarks) to know your surroundings. Like when I visit a new place/city I do search about good restaurants, barber, shop, doctor and many more things to get a good service. By the help of ratings & reviews good businessman are getting more business where con businessman are loosing.