My crazy goals

  • for connect Live 2019

I love to travel by bike. I bought a bike only 4 years ago and in 2017 I did a crazy thing - I left for the first bike tour. 6100 km per month from Belarus to Lake Baikal - 200 km per day on a loaded bike - it was incredibly difficult and interesting + 3 weeks near the lake. One in another country, away from home. This journey has changed everything !

A small panoramic camera which I then took with me changed my view of the world.

I like to take panoramic pictures - want to show my country and new places to the whole world. There are so many interesting things around us - now I have published 10300 panoramas (more 2000 objects) ! I set myself a goal: to explore my country of Belarus and for 5-10 years to visit, find and photograph 15000-20000 objects with a panoramic camera (>100.000 photos). I even started developing an application for Android and called it “In search of Belarus” - I will show it to you on ConnectLive2019… Have ideas how to make GoogleStreetView more convenient and more interesting - I implement them in my application.

Cycling is a passion, a challenge to your possibilities, new places, new people, nature and incredible freedom …

P.S. Maybe I’ll ever go on a bicycle trip around the world…


  • for Connect Live 2019

I love to travel by bike. I bought a bike only 4 years ago and in 2017 I did a crazy thing - I left for the first bike tour. 6100 km per month from Belarus to Lake Baikal - 200 km per day on a loaded bike - it was incredibly difficult and interesting + 3 weeks near the lake. One in another country, away from home. This journey has changed everything !

A small panoramic camera which I then took with me changed my view of the world. I like to take panoramic pictures - want to show my country and new places to the whole world. There are so many interesting things around us! I set myself a goal: to explore my country of Belarus and for 5-10 years - find and photograph 15000-20000 objects with a panoramic camera (>100.000 photos). I even started developing an application for Android and called it “In search of Belarus” - show it to you on ConnectLive2019… I have ideas how to make GoogleStreetView more convenient and more interesting.

Сycling is a passion, a challenge to your possibilities, new places, new people and incredible freedom …

P.S. Someday I want go to the around the world tour on a bicycle…

  • for connect Live 2019

I love to travel by bike. I bought a bike only 4 years ago and in 2017 I did a crazy thing - I left for the first bike tour. 6100 km per month from Belarus to Lake Baikal - 200 km per day on a loaded bike - it was incredibly difficult and interesting + 3 weeks near the lake. One in another country, away from home. This journey has changed everything !

A small panoramic camera which I then took with me changed my view of the world.

I like to take panoramic pictures - want to show my country and new places to the whole world. There are so many interesting things around us - now I have published 10300 panoramas (more 2000 objects) ! I set myself a goal: to explore my country of Belarus and for 5-10 years to visit, find and photograph 15000-20000 objects with a panoramic camera (>100.000 photos). I even started developing an application for Android and called it “In search of Belarus” - I will show it to you on ConnectLive2019… Have ideas how to make GoogleStreetView more convenient and more interesting - I implement them in my application.

Cycling is a passion, a challenge to your possibilities, new places, new people, nature and incredible freedom …

P.S. Maybe I’ll ever go on a bicycle trip around the world…

Hi @Valera ,

I have just released your post from the Spam Filters. I would like to apologize for your post being marked as spam. Our filters run 24/7 and they can be a little harsh at times.

You can visit this article to learn more - Why was my Connect post marked as spam?

P.S.: I merged your posts here to keep them organized

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When until the end of the submission of applications remained 5 hours. I try and try send application - 2 hours - 8 times ! 7 times i see “Uh oh! Something wrong happened and your application…”. Public post - 1 post disappeared, 2 post disappeared ! Only 3 post is visible.

I don’t know how post is show on application for “Connect Live 2019” !

@MoniV 3 identical posts in one place look strange and spoil my application! Maybe you ruined my application for “Connect Live 2019” :frowning:

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Links to posts 1 and 2 disappeared?
Perhaps they were listed in my application.

@MoniV Please check my application for “Connect Live 2019” - so that all the links specified in it work.

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Hi @Valera ,

Thanks for your replay.

Your 3 identical posts are merged together, because they have the same content and this is the way Connect works. It will not affect your already submitted application.The link that you have provided in the Connect Live 2019 application will remain there and will lead to your topic where I have merged them all.

I hope that if something is wrong with the application, they will contact me.

@MoniV - ok. I will wait on June 3 when the results will be known.

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