My contribution for Google maps in helping people through and through

We are living in a world where Google maps have formed an integral part of one’s life, whether it is planning a trip to a new country/city/landmarks or to go out shopping in the best known markets or to go food hopping to the best eateries etc. Now, an individual will ultimately refer one’s opinion or review about a particular place/landmark as the driving force for his/her selection. To be able to help such people in the above situation is my ultimate goal in providing inputs to Google maps. Google maps has provided me a platform wherein I really feel that my viewpoints or feedback about the place are valued and are actually playing either a direct or indirect role in influencing people’s life. Posting pictures of important landmarks, providing inputs on various important points that one should keep on mind while selecting a place or restaurant etc.,unbiased feedback and review of locations, answering important Q&A about the locations are some of my key to-do checklist of my chief efforts towards Google maps. I believe these efforts will in turn help in making Google maps more informative platform helping large number of people in their daily life.

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