My best picture #communityphotochallenge

Hello everyone, here is my most beautiful picture of the year 2020. Why do I find it special? Taken on April 23rd, 2020, I was surprised myself by the number of views 19524 at the time I’m writing this post. I didn’t think it would interest so many people. For me this picture is very important for all the shops nearby because this crossroads located at the exit of the highway and has been modified and became a roundabout shows that the shops are easily accessible no need to pass in the city center. And if there are so many views I think this photo has had a big impact on the Decathlon store that opened its doors on December 17, 2019 you can see the photo by clicking on the link


Hi @Mmessmi

It looks to me that your experience is the same as that of many other Local Guides who found that their photo with the most views, which by the way I call the star photo, is a rather ordinary photo. You might be interested to read the Leaderboards of Most VIewed Photos.

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Thanks @Mmessmi for taking part in this challenge! For my own reference, the link to your photo is this:

Just easier for me to find it again!

It looks like a new area as the pavements are still being worked on (in the photos). Documenting accessibility paths and exits/entrances are really useful so thanks for that! My one tiny advice though is that in all your photos for Decathlon, I can clearly see the Decathlon shop/sign. This specific shot doesn’t so for me as a user, it’s hard for me orientate myself as to where this photo was taken relative to Decathlon. If you crossed the road to the Opel garage and taken the shot from there with the Decathlon in the background ( it might be better… unless I misunderstood the reason for that shot! :sweat_smile:

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*Hi @AdrianLunsong Thank you for your advice, I will take it into account for future photos.*You’re right about this picture. I was right in front of the decathlon. The inscription you see in the background is the entrance of trucks for making the delivery, but i took five pictures from different place so you can see the decathlon just in front. Thanks again for the advices.

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