Since I joined local guides to share information and build informative Google Maps, What I love most is fact checking and verifying the information of place around that are posted and editing places with wrong information like street address, phone number, name, exact location, activities, removing duplicate location and adding new interesting places.
The reason why I love fact checking and editing places is because most place markers are place in wrong locations for example this wrong location of U-TOUCH and I love correcting them by positioning them to right point although some take long to be approved. Also businesses here operate on rented properties so they keep changing buildings from street to another or even to a different area so there is need to keep checking these physical address and business name and contact changes and updating them on the map and this is what I do most as I add new important places.As a local guide most times willingly I have to visit the place to prove its existence and correct address, and even call phone numbers provided to check whether they are in use in those places. To me correct, accurate information and address for a location is key to make the map more informative and user friendly.