My beautiful Chiniot Series



Hi @user_not_found ,

Thank you for sharing your photo with us. Why don’t you tell us a bit more about the Umer Hayat Palace in Chiniot? I am curious to read more about it, and I’m sure it will be interesting for other Local Guides too.

By the way, I am merging your post with the previous one as they are about Chiniot.

Sure…I’ll surely do…actuall a iveI more photos…so I’ll share them and explain each picture…


Keep visiting my Chiniot series

Hope you’ll enjoy

Started constructing in 1923, Umer Hayat Palace completed in 1935. Owned by Sheikh Umer Hayat who made his fortune to Calcutta(India) but returned to Chiniot after the birth of his first son Gulzar.

Returning back, he decided to build a magnificent palace and died shortly after its completion in 1935.

Gulzar got married in 1937 and found dead in his room on very next day of marriage.

Umer’s relatives left the mension associating it with bad luck.

Umer’s wife and servants lived here for some years till her death and then she was buried beside his son.

Originally it was 5 storeys tall but its were removed in the 1970s due to its state of dangerous disrepair, while another level had to be abandoned following severe rains in 1993.

The building was brought under government control in 1989, with large portions repaired by the mid-1990s with funds raised by the local community. The mansion was declared a cultural centre and library, but library is no more operational and its just a tourist attraction. Offering free of cost entrance and tour guide to every one from 8A.M to 4P.M.


Hi @user_not_found ,

I merged your post to your previous one as both are referred to Chiniot.