My 3 trending posts

Hi all LGs,

I hope you are well. To date, I have been on Connect for almost 5 months. I have learnt a lot from other LGs and the community.

I also wrote 63 articles. Among them, 3 articles were being featured in Friday Favorite and 3 of them received over 100 Likes and were on trending. Some posts were on trending for a short while but some of them stayed there for a week. Some LG told me this is something to celebrate too!

My top and trending posts so far:

  1. Seagulls modeled at Sydney Harbour (received 274 likes)
  2. Chi Phat - top ecotourism destinations in Cambodia (received 116 likes)
  3. #monthlytopic - Giant banyan trees over temples in Cambodia (received 118likes) and being featured in Friday Favorite here.
  4. Other posts - may be on trending few days so I do not remember them.

The main purpose is not about LIKES I received, but they are something to keep inspiring me to write and share more. It means that people love and read my posts. I write and share about them because personally;

  • I want to keep writing everyday or at least once a week to keep the habit of writing, especially when new things come up.
  • During the Covid-19, people have more time and chance to read, so I would like to entertain them through my posts :slightly_smiling_face:
  • I want to share what happening in my areas and my travel experiences to other LGs.
  • My posts cover mostly about travel and local stories, and nature.

Thank you all LGs for the support and motivations!

Have a lovely day!


@KishorMali I hope you come across this post of mine about trending post. Have a lovely day!

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Simple, sweet, pointed and accurate post. @Sophia_Cambodia

I am so happy because you make the post . Thanks for implementing my suggestion.

Keep sharing!! Keep Exploring!!

Congratulations for your good amount of posts were on trending.

Yes, it’s not about likes or kudos.

It’s about when we got appreciation from our fellow local guides and they will respond to our articles.

They are sharing their stories, photos, point of views with us. That’s makes us more happy and healthy!!

That’s our achievements.

Write whenever you have time, you have things to share.

Keep it up!!

@Trending posts from sophia.

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@KishorMali thank you dear for the motivation and very long congratulatory comment.

  • The amount of support and motivation I have received from the communities, like yourself; are something to keep me sharing and exploring.
  • While we cannot really travel or cross the border, Connect has no border. I am glad I can guide you and other LGs at different parts of the world virtually.
  • The most important things are about knowledge sharing as many friends here told me there are something new from my posts. This is something incredible!
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Welcome. @Sophia_Cambodia

We can learn from other lgs and , and yes connect is very good platform.

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@KishorMali right friend. I just had a look at your profile and saw that you posted many articles about achievement and how to. That’s very good. I am more with travel and local stories :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yup. @Sophia_Cambodia

Good observation.

Most of the part of my profile is dedicated to ideas & How-tos.

Well, I will publish my posts on local stories and travel.

When I will have visits and photos.

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@KishorMali right, I think we should do what we know best and for me, I share something I love too.

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I suggest you that add one photo, from one of your Trending posts.

So, Your achievement post is looks more good. @Sophia_Cambodia

Like you already did in your Friday favorites post.

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Thank you @KishorMali . It is cool but I almost used all my allowed space :wink:

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Tree is really awesome. @Sophia_Cambodia

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Awesome, @Sophia_Cambodia ! They are absolutely great posts!

Have fun contributing and posting:)

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@HiroyukiTakisawa san, thank you very much for your comment and motivation. I am very happy to be here.

Please have a look at my article about Rice here.

@KishorMali thank you anyway :slightly_smiling_face:

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wow … exceptional. I could see a beautiful temple that in the Indiana Jones movies :grin: