My 2021 Accessibility Goal

As part of our advocacy, #OneAccesibility, we will share information about differently able and profile one location with accessible trails. Look out every week for this enlightening post.

Happy new year everybody! (How far along in the year is acceptable to continue saying happy new year?)

You know the saying “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail”? Well let’s make a plan for the new year so we can make this an effective year. These next series of posts will be a bit different from the others as the One Accessibility team will be addressing their goals for the new year.

My Theme for 2021: FOCUS

/ˈfəʊkəs/ noun

Focus is defined as the centre of interest or activity; also the state or quality of having or producing clear visual definition.

My Personal One Accessibility Goals

— Host one meetup every month one the topic of accessibility.

— Visit a local institution geared towards accessibility and persons with disability quarterly

— Create a bi-monthly social media discussion on accessibility

My Accessibility Goals for Nigeria

— Assist with increasing the number of states currently implementing the Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities (Prohibition) Act 2018 in Nigeria.

— Create a regional and/or national event in partnership with other institutions on create awareness on accessibility.

I would like you all to keep me accountable in my progress! What are your goals for the year? What changes would you like to see in your local community regarding accessibility?

If you have a question, suggestion, or contribution, feel free to comment below. You can read last week’s roundup article here and check the list of our other articles under “Accessibility Uncovered”.


I love to see your passion in this, @ChinonsoOnukwugha ! These look like some lofty goals that can really impact your local community. I firmly believe that your written done goals will be realized. It is like Tony Robbins said… “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”

I look forward to seeing what you’ve done in another post at the end of 2021!


@ChinonsoC Thank you for sharing your Goal and objectives. I am impressed by the three-point agenda and definitely would be following your progress. Good luck with the process!

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Thank you @JordanSB ! That’s a great quote as well.

Thank you @EmekaUlor ! Please do.

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A perfect post with clear and apt goals towards accessibility @ChinonsoOnukwugha ! You have penned your thoughts and goals really well ! Wishing you all the best , may you achieve all the goals this year ! Happy 2021 dear ! Be safe and keep guiding ! :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you @Globe_trotter_Ish !

Very nice and really impressive, we all should have same passion as you have @ChinonsoOnukwugha .

And I hope together we will make this world Accessible for everyone.

Thanks for sharing :blush:

@ChinonsoOnukwugha what a nice goal Chinonso! I hope all your goal and dream will come true. This will be a great impact in your Country. Let’s change the world to a better place one day at time!