Muzeul Aurului din Brad.


O sa incerc sa va prezint un mic muzeu si putin despre istoria metalului galben din Romania

în 1896 de un geolog de origine germana a adunat cateva piese de aur nativ de prin minele din Transilvania şi a hotarat se le expuna publicului ,aşa a luat fiinta proiectul muzeul aurului din oraşul Brad din Tara Motilor ,o zona unde aurul a inceput sa fie exploatat cu mii de ani in urma,atraşi de bogatiile din zona scitii cei ce pretuiau doar fierul s-au luptat cu dacii timp de trei sute de ani ,agatarşii un trib de sciti a reuşit in cele din urma sa se aşeze in Transilvania, au fost asimilați apoi de daci.Herodot povesteşte despre ei ca obişnuiau sa îşi împodobeasca trupurile cu aur , mai relateaza despre imparatul Darius al perşilor care a demarat un razboi spre a jefui de aur triburilor dacice ale agatârşilor care locuiau în Munţii Apuseni,a urmat apoi campaniile imparatului roman Traian care a plecat la Roma cu 160 de tone de aur pur ,in urmatori 166 de ani de ocupatie romana sau extras inca 500 de tone de aur,au urmat apoi ungurii, turcii, habsburgii , sovromul .Apoi comunismul care in goana de resurse a decimat muntii pentu un procent mic de minereu la tona şi apoi la vreo zece ani dupa caderea comunismului sau poluat apele din cateva tari in urma deversarilor de cianuri. cand sau rupt barajele de decantare . Acelasi tip de prapad vreo sa il faca in prezent o companie creată cu scopul de a dezvolta un proiect de exploatare auriferă la Roșia Montană.

Muzeul Aurului din Brad este unic în Europa, iar colecţia sa cuprinde 1300 exponate din aur nativ adunate de mineri din minele Muntilor Apuseni şi cântăreşte aproape cinci kilograme ,mai gazduieşte numeroase exemplare de minerale şi metale extrase şi din alte tari de pe alte continente,mai puteti studia obiecte arheologice vechi de mii de ani alaturi de unelte şi obiecte folosite la extragerea şi prelucrarea minereului din ultimele doua secole precum şi admira o galerie fotografica sugestivaDificil de realizat fotografii de calitate datorita geamului de sticla a vitrinelor unde sunt expuse minunatiile.Incercati sa il vizitati dupa amiaza cand ar fi mai putina lumina solara reflectata de ferestre daca vreti fotografii bune .Amplasamentul locatiei este pe sud est.Eu am ajuns la ora 9 dimineata in zi de august si am avut probleme in a reuşi sa fac poze cat de cat ok, aglomeratie nu este puteti poza linistiti .In spatele muzeului este o ghereta de unde puteti cumpara tot felul de suveniruri.

O zi buna.


@To_paul Though the translated version of your topic was not smooth to me to understand but got an idea about the history of this gold museum in Romania. Photos are really nice. We know that old is gold but here we can see that gold is old in this museum. Thanks for sharing this here.


I enjoyed your very informative post and great photos of Brad Gold Museum @To_paul . The museum has very interesting mineral samples.


Thank you for sharing your post with us @To_paul . Brad has a very interesting history. If I understood correctly, currently the mines are not active, but the government wants to build a new factory?

Also, about the museum itself what are the opening hours? Do you have to pay an entrance fee? Is it crowded?

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@VasT Minvest is a company of the Romanian State whose activity is the extraction and processing of ores from various mining areas in Transylvania, Minvest is a minority shareholder in various joint ventures aimed at extracting polymetallic ores and separating them by cyanide. In order to exploit the deposits, authorities have granted thousands of hectares of mountains to joint ventures, and thousands of people will be displaced and many archaeological objects destroyed, many of the concessions have been made in dubious ways in the last years. Due to the efforts of some non-governmental and many activists fighting for environmental protection many projects are currently blocked by the courts. These companies want to exploit the surface. This type of operation causes the entire mountain to disappear from the map.
Most of the underground mining operations in Transylvania are closed and they are still working on their greening, only in Baita Plai does a company exploit underground polymetallic ores, the same company exploits polymetallic ores containing gold, by excavating at the surface at the Mănăila Mining Exploitation somewhere in Bukovina. and then export the metal concentrate outside the country to be separated in another country.
They recently purchased a perimeter with an operating license with an area of ​​7,285 square kilometers, somewhere near Rosia Montana from a company with no employees that is managed by a former head of the Constanta branch of the social democratic party. They will build a metallurgical complex in the area and give guarantees that it will not use the cyanide method
About the museum I can tell you that it is in Minvest property, it is not crowded, visitors are very few, the price of a ticket for an adult costs 15 ron.
Visiting hours: Tuesday to Sunday from 9am to 5pm, Monday - closed.
A good day