Friday 10 April 2020 Jakarta and its sorrounded cities like Bogor, Depok and Tangerang implementing Pembatasan Sosial Berskala besar (PSBB - Large scale Social Restriction).
The victims and death caused by Corona Virus Covid-19 are increasing.
People not allowed to leave their home
Surgical Mask N-95 and Disposable Face mask is difficult to find and the price is sky rocketing.
Civilian that in health condition is recomended not use this kind of mask but should use cloth face covering to help slow spreading the virus.
Mutiara Permak, as a clothing aleration now change their production activities. Now produce Cloth Face cover and hazmat suits .
I do edit my review and add some photos because this change activities.
Hope mas Parso and mBak nDari has a good health to produce unstoppable request from their customer to make customize cloth face mask.
Wah, bagus ini, Pak @BudiFXW
Cerita tentang usaha konveksi kecil yang bersiasat memproduksi masker wajah dan baju hazmat.
Bukan cuma sekadar mengejar cuan demi dapur, tapi juga produk yang sangat bermanfaat.
Nice story
Betul @iorikun301 .Pemilik Mutiara Permak juga menggratiskan produknya pada pedagang keliling harus tetap bekerja karena sudah ditunggu oleh para pelanggannya .
Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy disituasi yang memasuki Pembatasan Sosial Berskala besar (PSBB - Large scale Social Restriction).
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Salam pokoknya untuk ketulusan tim Mutia permak ,terima kasih pak @BudiFXW telah berbagi kisah menginspirasi ini ,semoga wabah cepat berlalu kita semua selalu dalam keadaan sehat
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Thank you @SvitlanaChurina .
Thanks for your appreciation.
Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy.
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Terima kasih @Nyainurjanah .
Bogor sudah memasuki Pembatasan Sosial Berskala besar (PSBB - Large scale Social Restriction).
Mudah mudahan cepat berlalu dan bisa bekerja dan beraktifitas seperti sedia kala.
Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy.
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This is a very common theme around the world with companies turning their efforts to medical and health supplies. Australia has a lot of boutique distillers that usually produce very high end drinking spirits like rum, gin and whiskey. Most of them are producing hand sanitiser instead at the moment. Thanks for sharing how this business has changed what they’re doing to help @BudiFXW .
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Yes @PaulPavlinovich .
This is an example how a small business facing their problem and seeking solution and see opportunities.
Thank you for your appreciation.
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Amin amin ,semoga wabah cepat berlalu ,sehat selalu happy selalu ya pak @BudiFXW
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