I wanna to say you about incredible music festival in my country (Bosnia and Herzegovina, entity Republic of Srpska) which is held on National Park Sutjeska (location Tjentiste). Yes, I know probably is hard to say that word on english, but belive me, nature is amazing.
First time, i was in last year and my expectation was that is average festival, but I was wrong.
OK Fest is not too big festival, but is festival with soul. Last year guests was a world stars like
Stereo MC’s,
and DJ Kiril Dzaikovski.
Visitors comes from all over the world (from Canada, to Japan and Australia), and I’m really surprised how people heard about this festival.
Many more pictures and videos on social networks you can find with tag #budiok
Tjentiste have a biggest pool in Europe. I heard that stories and I believe it.
This year OK Fest will be held from 12. to 14. July, and hotels already booked in february. So if you want to try to be a camper, always have place for one more tent.
I want to say something about National Park Sutjeska. On this place in Second World War, one of the greatest battles for freedom against the Nazi army occurred.
There is a monument and memorial complex of the Valley of the hero in honor of victory.
I have a plan to go again on festival this year, so I hope we will see there. ?
Official website for OK Fest is https://www.okfest.net
Official website for national park is http://npsutjeska.info/en/home/
For the end this post I will leave you official aftermovie, and please take a look at this video because you will enjoy it.