Musholla Dabra di Kecamatan Dabra kabupaten Mamberamo Raya Papua

Dabra adalah nama sebuah kecamatan di kabupaten Mamberamo Raya Papua. Untuk menuju Dabra harus menempuh perjalanan melalui pesawat selama 1 jam dari Jayapura, Papua. Penduduknya mayoritas nasrani, hanya sekitar 10 % yang beragama Islam.

Warga Muslim membangun mushollla dari bahan kayu. Saya berulang kali ke Dabra dalam kurun waktu 2018-2020 karena urusan pekerjaan.

Tulisan ini saya buat dalam rangka informasi dari @HiroyukiTakisawa , thank you very much.

Dabra is the name of a district in the Mamberamo Raya district of Papua. To get to Dabra, you have to travel by plane for 1 hour from Jayapura, Papua. The majority of the population is Christian, only about 10% are Muslim. Muslims build mushollla from wood.

I repeatedly went to Dabra in 2018-2020 due to work matters. This location :,138.6143618,17z/data=!4m14!1m8!3m7!1s0x681687b32103a039:0xa7345cfc8e499967!2sMusholla+DABRA!8m2!3d-3.2681523!4d138.6143618!14m1!1BCgIgARICEAM!3m4!1s0x681687b32103a039:0xa7345cfc8e499967!8m2!3d-3.2681523!4d138.6143618

thank you very much for @HiroyukiTakisawa your July 2020 #montlytopic edition of monuments or religious buildings. This is what prompted me to write this post.


thank you @Ale_003 stop by in my post, i wish you always success

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thank you @helga19 stop by to read my post

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@renata1 thank you for you stop by to read my post

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@Ransom-wilson , thank you for stop by in my post

@premprakashparihar , thank you

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thank you @Emon_Dhungana for you stop by in my post

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It’s my pleasure @Wisnusetiono


thank you @renata1

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@vivianny , thank you

Perjalanan yang menarik, @Wisnusetiono :hushed: :open_mouth: :+1: