Mung Bean Porridge: Healthy Food can be Delicious, too!

Mung bean is a plant species in the legume family. The mung bean is mainly cultivated in East Asia, Southeast Asia and Indian subcontinent. Mung beans are a healthful source of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Unfortunately, not many people use mung beans as a healthy because they don’t like the taste. In Indonesia, mung beans are used as additional food or sweet dishes. One of the processed products is mung bean porridge. This sweet and savory dish is certainly very delicious. The benefits of mung bean porridge for instance can maintain and even lose weight, improve digestion, strengthen bones, maintain the beauty of hair and skin, and many more.

It’s not difficult to find people who sell mung bean porridge here. But it would be better if we cook it ourselves because it is very easy.

Here are the steps:

  1. Rinse the mung beans thoroughly
  2. Boil water
  3. Add mung beans, salt, and ginger
  4. Boil until the beans have cracked open a bit but are not mushy
  5. Add brown sugar, sugar, and coconut milk
  6. Stirring the beans constantly and wait until the beans mushy
  7. Mung bean porridge is ready to be served.

Note: Coconut milk can be mixed when cooking the beans or if you don’t want to be mixed, it can be added when you want to eat the porridge.

Mung bean porridge is very good for health, but don’t add too much coconut milk so that the nutrients are maintained and balanced. Coconut milk is good for health as long as it is not consumed in excess. In this photo I poured a lot of coconut milk because I really like it. Hehe.