multiple accounts

Really have never paid much attention to my Local Guides account. I just rate, photo, or describe places as I go along. I am on the road constantly. I just found out that when ever I check my one of my numerous Gmail accounts, my local guide account changes also (as well as other phone features). Is it possible to combine all these accounts into one and keep it that way? All of them are quite high in the ratings.

Thx ED


Hi @HeadhunterAntiques ,

Thanks for reaching out to us, as well as a warm welcome to Connect! : ]

For the moment, please make sure to have the secondary accounts exited from the program, as unfortunately by having multiple ones would be counted as infringement of the Local Guides rules.

Local Guides may participate in the program with one account, as that would also be an important remark. : ]

Just to let you know, the current post would be relabeled to How-tos, as it would be for further convenience.

Your attitude suggests you think being a local guide is some internet award or Phd. Oh my gosh, I could care less if I am a stupid local guide, or not. I would much prefer not to get asked daily from you about my previous day’s travels. I waste so much time rating and reviewing these businesses and places. I thought I was doing you a favor. But actually, I am doing your job and getting BS comments “infringe on rules” and “go tag a moderator” in return. If I knew how to delete every account I would, and will.

Hi @HeadhunterAntiques ,

Thanks for the feedback on the matter!

My apologies, if there would be any misunderstanding, as previously mentioned.

We appreciate your endeavor, by sharing experience with the community on Google Maps!

As regarding the main subject, you may check for the instructions in this Settings page of your Local Guides account, when you scroll down to the bottom of the page, there would be an option for exiting the program.