mùa vàng

mùa vàng Tây Bắc Việt Nam đã đến hãy đến và trải nghiệm những cánh đồng ruộng bạc thang uốn lượn cùng những cánh rừng xanh bạt ngàn


Your country has amazing landscapes @sansapa

Beautiful vista. Thanks for sharing with us on connect.

Best regards.


Can someone kidnapped me to there

Hey @sansapa awesome place like usual ,wait let me turn on my front camera to selfie there ahahaha


@Austinelewex thankyou!!!

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@Nyainurjanah Sau khi hết COVID-19 hãy đến đây tôi sẽ đưa bạn đi chơi

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Hello @sansapa ,

Thank you for sharing this incredible photo with us, it looks like a postal card! What camera did you use? Did you use any filters to enhance the colors?

Are these tea fields? Were you there on a trip, or you live close to this area?

You can always have a look at Please Read: Posting on “Photography” Board article, it might be helpful for your next post.

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Thank you for the invitation

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Đẹp quá !

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Very pretty @sansapa I love those terraces and the lush green and yellow colours.

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@BorrisS tôi chụp bằng samsung galaxy note 8 và không sử dụng hiệu ứng

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@talitutkhi cám ơn bạn

cám ơn bạn