When I visited any Coffee shop or Restaurant then I took photos of the place and the food and posted google maps. After that people saw the post and all the time they likes the food photo and give reviews how is the food and place. So they become more interested about the place and the food, It really helps them to decide to visit the place. For me personally I also checkout different food shops reviews and photo’s how it looks like and the thing I looking for. Then I got satisfaction.
Pizza Hut Gulshan 1: More than 1K people saw this post and the more similiar posts. Helping them to see the food and rethink about to visit there.
North End Coffee Roaster: This coffee photo also review by many. Great taste coffee and people like to share coffee with friends and family there,.
Hotel Castle Salam: This is a 3 star Hotel and there is a good restaurant where can find lot of tasty foods. People reviewed the photos of the Hotel and many question answers too… Many people decided to visit the hotel and restaurant after review. This really Impacted them.
So through Local guide I think I impacted people’s lives where they are not sure about the place or food or how to go, This is really Interesting and also impact my visit around the world too.
So through this local