
In the Demre District of ANTALYA, a Moringa tree called “miracle tree” was grown, which is considered to be the most beneficial plant of the world with a tropical origin. Aydin Cevik, who made Moringa’s production, said, “It is a miracle plant that extends 3-5 meters a year and resolves more than 300 health problems.”
Aydın Cengik, who teaches at Demre, decided to grow the Moringa tree he saw on the internet in Demre. Aydin Cevik who persuaded Sami Kurt and his family to work in the Beymelek neighborhood met with the 1200 Moringa seeds he brought via internet. Within 10 months the Moringa trees reached 2 - 3.5 meters and began to bloom and give seed. The Kurt family also began to dry their leaves, drink tea, make soup from dry leaves, and make salad from the leaves of the year.
While Moringa trees are being irrigated by drip irrigation method, their leaves are collected and the flowers become tohuma. Flowers like beans in the seed gives the fruit. Alternative envy is participating in herbal supplements. Growing between 3 and 5 meters per year, the Moringa tree grows and grows as much as a pine tree in 10 years. The flowers also smell nice.
Moringa is described as the most beneficial plant in the world using the leaves, shells, seeds and timber. Seeds are consumed in many countries as peanuts. Salads are made green from leaves that are nourishing. He can participate in all kinds of food. The most common form is mango juice mixed with soup. C and A vitamini, calcium, potassium and protein deposits Moringa tree seeds also have the ability to purify water.
Aydin Çevik stated that they have produced a 2 decare field for the purpose of testing the Moringa tree and stated that "Moringa is a plant of tropical origin and is a miracle plant which is spreading 3-5 meters per year and resolving more than 300 health problems.It is used in the medical sector and in different fields, every square meter, every square meter is used for health.It is suitable to grow in the Mediterranean Region.I can not withstand the climate.I hope that the Moringa production in the Mediterranean region will increase, "he said.In the Demre District of ANTALYA, a Moringa tree called “miracle tree” was grown, which is considered to be the most beneficial plant of the world with a tropical origin. Aydin Cevik, who made Moringa’s production, said, “It is a miracle plant that extends 3-5 meters a year and resolves more than 300 health problems.” Aydın Cengik, who teaches at Demre, decided to grow the Moringa tree he saw on the internet in Demre. Aydin Cevik who persuaded Sami Kurt and his family to work in the Beymelek neighborhood met with the 1200 Moringa seeds he brought via internet. Within 10 months the Moringa trees reached 2 - 3.5 meters and began to bloom and give seed. The Kurt family also began to dry their leaves, drink tea, make soup from dry leaves, and make salad from the leaves of the year. While Moringa trees are being irrigated by drip irrigation method, their leaves are collected and the flowers become tohuma. Flowers like beans in the seed gives the fruit. Alternative envy is participating in herbal supplements. Growing between 3 and 5 meters per year, the Moringa tree grows and grows as much as a pine tree in 10 years. The flowers also smell nice. Moringa is described as the most beneficial plant in the world using the leaves, shells, seeds and timber. Seeds are consumed in many countries as peanuts. Salads are made green from leaves that are nourishing. He can participate in all kinds of food. The most common form is mango juice mixed with soup. C and A vitamini, calcium, potassium and protein deposits Moringa tree seeds also have the ability to purify water. Aydin Çevik stated that they have produced a 2 decare field for the purpose of testing the Moringa tree and stated that "Moringa is a plant of tropical origin and is a miracle plant which is spreading 3-5 meters per year and resolving more than 300 health problems.It is used in the medical sector and in different fields, every square meter, every square meter is used for health.It is suitable to grow in the Mediterranean Region.I can not withstand the climate.I hope that the Moringa production in the Mediterranean region will increase, "he said.

ANTALYA’nın Demre İlçesi’nde tropikal kökenli, dünyanın en faydalı bitkisi olarak nitelendirilen ve ‘mucize ağaç’ olarak adlandırılan Moringa ağacı yetiştirildi. Moringa’nın üretimini yapan Aydın Çevik, “Yılda 3-5 metre uzayan, 300’den fazla sağlık sorununu çözümleyen mucize bir bitkidir” dedi.
Demre’de öğretmenlik yapan Aydın Çevik, internetten gördüğü Moringa ağacını Demre’de yetiştirmeye karar verdi. Beymelek Mahallesi’nde oturan Sami Kurt ve ailesini bu iş için ikna eden Aydın Çevik, internet yoluyla getirttiği 1200 Moringa tohumunu toprakla buluşturdu. 10 ay içinde Moringa ağaçları 2- 3.5 metreye ulaştı ve çiçek açıp tohum vermeye başladı. Kurt ailesi de yapraklarını kurutup, çay olarak içmeye, kuru yapraklarından çorba yapmaya, yaş yapraklarından salata yapmaya başladı.
Moringa ağaçları damlama sulama yöntemiyle sulanırken, yaprakları toplanıyor, çiçekleri tohuma dönüşüyor. Çiçeklerinden fasulye gibi içinde tohum bulunan meyve veriyor. Alternatif tıpta bitkisel destek ürünlerine katılıyor. Yılda 3 ile 5 metre arasında büyüyen Moringa ağacı, 10 yıl içinde çam ağacı kadar büyüyor ve kalınlaşıyor. Çiçekleri de güzel koku yayıyor.
Moringa ağacı yaprakları, kabukları, tohumları, kerestesi kullanılan dünyanın en faydalı bitkisi olarak nitelendiriliyor. Tohumları birçok ülkede fıstık gibi kavrularak tüketiliyor. Besleyici olan yapraklarından yeşil olarak salata yapılıyor. Her türlü yemeğe katılabiliyor. En yaygın biçimde mango meyvesi ile karıştırılarak çorba yapılıyor. C ve A vitamini, kalsiyum, potasyum ve protein deposu Moringa ağacı tohumlarının ayrıca suyu temizleme özelliği bulunuyor.
Aydın Çevik, Moringa ağacını deneme amaçlı 2 dekarlık alanda ürettiklerini belirterek, “Moringa tropikal kökenli bir bitki. Yılda 3-5 metre uzayan, 300’den fazla sağlık sorununu çözümleyen mucize bir bitki. Tıp sektöründe ve değişik alanlarda kullanılan, yaprağından köküne, hatta tohumuna kadar her noktası, her metrekaresi sağlık için kullanılan bir bitki. Akdeniz Bölgesi’nde yetişmeye uygun. Soğuğa dayanamaz. Bu anlamda Akdeniz Bölgesi’nde Moringa üretiminin artacağını umuyorum” dedi.

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