Moregaon temple visit

Moregaon village is 2 hours away from Pune city. It is famous for the first Ashta Vinayak temple - Mayureshwar. The myth story is Lord Ganesh found a mango, that while plucking it fell open from where a peacock raised. He drove on the peacock thereby taking the form of Mayureshwar here.

Belief is devotees who start Ashta Vinayak Yatra start from this temple and after the Yatra revisit this temple to thank Lord. From Mumbai it took 5 hours to reach the temple. Since we completed the Yatra, visited this temple to thank the Lord.

Besides main deity who is in Swayambhu form, there are other forms of Lord Vinayak seen along with Sri Bhairavar.


A very calm place with a beautiful Ganpati Temple.