Montreal Meet-up

Montreal Meet-up

Metro Beaubien

6333 Rue Beaubien E, Montréal, QC H1M 3E6, Canada

April 09, 2017 @ 12:00

This will be the first Montreal meet up! We will pick a set of metro stations and will do some walking around and stop for talks here and there…

RSVP here


Bonjour ! Hi !

This is my first time Local Guide meeting.




@user_not_found wrote:
Montreal Meet-up

Metro Beaubien

6333 Rue Beaubien E, Montréal, QC H1M 3E6, Canada

@user_not_found 09, 2017 @ 12:00

This will be the first Montreal meet up! We will pick a set of metro stations and will do some walking around and stop for talks here and there…

RSVP here

@user_not_found wrote:
Montreal Meet-up

Metro Beaubien

6333 Rue Beaubien E, Montréal, QC H1M 3E6, Canada

@user_not_found 09, 2017 @ 12:00

This will be the first Montreal meet up! We will pick a set of metro stations and will do some walking around and stop for talks here and there…

RSVP here

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