#monthlytopic of June 2021 - We love Ice cream🍦🍨🍧

The topic of June: We love ice cream :icecream: :ice_cream: :shaved_ice:

A long time ago, our ancestors were in trouble about how to preserve cold things. They used a cave, basement, and snow that was gathered during the winter for this purpose but they were not perfect. Of course, making ice was like a dream for them. However, now, we can easily make ice and even enjoy cold food whenever we want.

My preface was too long, but anyway, what I want to say is ice cream is a dream-come-true food for human beings.

I don’t need to even confirm if you like ice cream or not. I believe you will say YES. Ice cream is good for eating outside on a sunny day, so if you want to avoid crowded and small spaces, this will be a great choice for you guys this summer. This time, please share your favorite ice cream shops as a post of #monthlytopic.


  • Use a photo (At least one)
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  • Use hashtag #monthlytopic
  • Give me permission to use your photo for the recap

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The summary of May

The topic was A shop where you can have breakfast. Do you have favorite breakfast shops? If you have, please share them here anytime.

The topics in the past

I’m looking forward to reading your post this month!

[Japanese] 6月のお題:アイスクリーム大好き :icecream: :ice_cream: :shaved_ice:

日本もいよいよ熱くなってきましたね。みなさんはご家庭にアイスを常備していますか?うちはこの時期、気がつくと冷凍庫がアイスでうまっていることがあります。危険な季節ですね :rofl:




  • 写真(最低1枚)を貼る
  • Google Mapsへのリンクを貼る
  • 説明を加える(短くても構いません)
  • ハッシュタグ #monthlytopic を含める
  • まとめ記事での写真利用を許可する



@HiroyukiTakisawa さん



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Ice cream for summer sounds so much good @HiroyukiTakisawa !!
Here you go for my submission :


Older post, old fashioned ice cream, but awesome taste :blush:


Thank you so much dear @HiroyukiTakisawa san for posting about my articles.

I will come back for this month for shave ice :slightly_smiling_face:

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@HiroyukiTakisawa What a nice topic for next month! I’m an ice cream lover as you can see here and here! I even make my own homemade ice cream too!

I forgot to tag you last month for my breakfast with a view post. I’ll be sure to remember it this time though! :sweat_smile:


Thanks, @Velvel I commented just now :blush: I’m eating ice creams almost every day recently. Someone, please stop me!

Hi, @Sophia_Cambodia Sounds great! I’m looking forward to it :wink:

Hi, @Melissa_Langlois Thank you for sharing! And I’m so sorry to miss your post. I added your post to the list now.

Making homemade ice cream is really fun and I think it will be a good game with children. I hope my son will have an interest in it soon :ice_cream:


Yes @HiroyukiTakisawa san, I will come back with that!

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Is summer already coming to Japan now? @HiroyukiTakisawa

That’s a guilty pleasure indeed!

I know ice cream tastes so much good and refreshing, but you have to limit eating ice cream hehehe… For the best, you could eat low fat ice cream though :smile:

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@Velvel Yes, it is. We needed to turn on air conditioners immediately.

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Happy summer @HiroyukiTakisawa :sunglasses:

If the situation allows with health protocols, you may go for the picnic with your family :blush:

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Yes! Recently we are playing in the back yard but absolutely waiting for that day :blush:

Hei @HiroyukiTakisawa ,

Thanks for sharing! I love soft ice cream, and I had plenty of them when I visited Japan. I am intrigued to try the soy sauce ice cream shared by @yamamo_cchi , have you try it before? I am curious how it will taste.


Hi, @AngieYC

YES! I have eaten similar ice cream. The first time, I couldn’t imagine that flavor, and guessed it must be not good and just a challenge menu. But now, I like it. It is not bad and very interesting.
I also posted about soy sauce ice cream in my region here. Chek it out :wink:

Later, I’ll post about my favorite standard ice cream in my region as well.

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This is super interesting @HiroyukiTakisawa , another ice cream flavors I tried in Japan that I love is black sesame. Have you ever tried it?

Thanks for sharing your post about the soy sauce ice cream, I will definitely check it out! :icecream:



Of course! I like Black sesame ice cream too :blush:
There are many strange ice creams here. The most strange flavored ice cream I know is Wasabi ice cream. That was… definitely an interesting experience :rofl:

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@HiroyukiTakisawa , Wasabi ice cream?!? How does it even taste, as you said it must be a very interesting experience. :rofl:

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@AngieYC Seemingly it looks like matcha soft serve ice cream but the taste is completely different. First, you will feel it is just sweet ice cream but after that, that hot flavor and smell of wasabi will appear and confuse you. I hope you will get a chance to try it and nobody cheats on you that this is a match ice cream :rofl:

@HiroyukiTakisawa I am sure it will be easily mistaken between matcha and wasabi ice cream, if no one tells me about it :rofl: . But, it will be very interesting to try!

Nice pic. I love Ice cream too. :icecream: