#monthlytopic of June 2020 - A good place for a sunny day

First of all, I have an announcement for you.This is the first anniversary post of#monthlytopic :tada: :tada: :tada: Thank you to all participants and some great regulars. I hope to continue this proposal with you guys from now on.

The topic of June: A good place for a sunny day

The topic of this month that commemorates the first anniversary is an homage to the topic of June 2019. On a sunny day, what do you like to do? Avoiding the sunshine at home is not a bad choice but I guess many people want to find a comfortable place and go there. Please share your favorite place for a sunny day such as a cool place, a great ice cream shop, a swimming pool, and so forth.


  • A photo (At least one)
  • The link to Google Maps
  • Description
  • Hashtag #monthlytopic

Helpful tips

The summary of May

Thank you for everyone to join in the topic of May 2020. The topic was “Eye-catching Bento”. My favorite one is @FalguniP 's handmade bento of #Monthlytopic-May 2020 - Gujarati Bento. That looks beautiful and really tasty. What is your favorite bento? Please check the below posts out. I realize you can get good inspiration from them.

The topics in the past

I’m looking forward to reading your post this month!

[Japanese] 6月のお題:晴れた日に行きたい場所

実はこの6月で#monthlytopic 開始から1年が経ちました。これまで参加してくださった皆様、ありがとうございます。これからも手軽に投稿を楽しめるテーマを提案していこうと思いますので、お時間があればぜひご参加ください。



  • 写真(最低1枚)
  • Google Mapsへのリンク
  • 説明(短くても構いません)
  • ハッシュタグ #monthlytopic を含める



What a wonderful and impressive recapitulation of all the #monthlytopics dating from June 2019 to June 2020. @HiroyukiTakisawa

Happy Anniversary! :clinking_glasses:

Imagine how time flies…

This month’s topic is awesome, I’ll try and visit a place I like here if time permits me.

But if not, there is nothing stopping me on using my old pictures to make a cool post. Hahaha.

@FalguniP 's topic was perfect, I enjoyed reading through it more than once!. Congratulations Ola!

Thank you @HiroyukiTakisawa for selecting this topic.

Thanks @Ant_Bad_Yogi for Introducing me to it.

Best regards.


Happy anniversary @HiroyukiTakisawa #montlytopic is one favourite post ,but unfortunately last month I missed hopefully I can join and find my fav place for this month


Hola @HiroyukiTakisawa me encanta tu propuesta y me sumo a ella con mi post, ya tengo en mente cual sera, en un momento mas lo podrás leer jajaja :grinning: :four_leaf_clover:

El post lo puedes leer aquí

Saludos Farid

For the case that has difficulty, in reading my answer, in the upper right part of the screen, in the drop-down menu of languages, you can select the language, in which you want to read the post.


@HiroyukiTakisawa I like that, A good place for a rainy day for June 2019 and A good place for a sunny day for June 2020. Next is A good place for a cloudy day for June 2021. :slightly_smiling_face: Thank you for the nice summary. I will check some posts out soon.

@Austinelewex I’m so glad you have joined us.

Teh @Nyainurjanah Let’s join this month.


Téh @Ant_Bad_Yogi you true follower #montlytopic ,2019 rainy day 2020 sunny day 2021 cloudy day but @HiroyukiTakisawa I don’t really hope 2022 is snowly day in Indonesia we don’t have snow ha ha ha


@HiroyukiTakisawa wow!

congratulations for successfully completing 1 year of the innovative #monthlytopic :tada:

Thank you so much for appreciating #maymonthlytopic I really enjoyed making it

I am super excited for June monthly topic as well :heart_eyes:

@Austinelewex Thank you Eze!

very excited for the new monthly topic can’t wait to read about your favourite place on a sunny day


Thanks, @Austinelewex , Of course, I’ll also make cool posts using old photos :grin: That is a great way to post now!


Thank you, @Nyainurjanah ,

Please enjoy reading and commenting. It’s also a good way to enjoy #monthlytopic. Have fun!


Thank you for your comment, @FaridTDF

That sounds great! I’ll keep an eye on you :roll_eyes:


Thank you, @Ant_Bad_Yogi , @Nyainurjanah
I’ll aim to propose “A good place for a storm day” :tornado:


Thank you for your words, @FalguniP
Enjoy #monthlytopic and posting on Connect!


I am always proud of my darling @FalguniP :blush: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Thank you @Ant_Bad_Yogi for introducing me to this and for being such a cute Guide all through this


@HiroyukiTakisawa thank you for being my 'one month boo’, I enjoyed setting those pictures up with just one person in mind; Hiroyuki :smiley:

However, the topic of this month :thinking:

I live in the Tropics, the Sun is our companion. If the Lockdown rules are totally removed before 30th, I will do something which will just be “acting for the camera” :see_no_evil: because I have no special schedule for the Sun I see everyday


Congratulations for one year @HiroyukiTakisawa

We’ll see at 20 years when we are all Grey yet still Green


Hi @HiroyukiTakisawa ,

First of all I would like to congratulate you and all those who are actively participating in your this monthly initiative. I’m really enjoying it and love the unique topics which you bring every month.

This month’s topic is also different, which makes me really think what I like to do on a sunny day. Well, I would present my answer in my post. Haha … :grinning:


Hi @HiroyukiTakisawa thank you for the summary and congratulations for the 1st anniversary of #monthlytopic !

By the way, I’ve joined last month’s topic, but it doesn’t appear here :sweat_smile: Here’s my post What’s Inside Indonesian Lunch Box

Hope you have time to read it :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi, @Tushar18 Thank you! It sounds great. I’m looking forward to reading it!

Hi, @Lusianaa I’m sorry that I miss out on your post. I updated this post now.


Hello @HiroyukiTakisawa , Congratulations!!

I share my favorite place for sunny day, it’s market (Marche) at park. There are always good cafes, cute variety stores, beautiful florist shops and so on. It held at park outdoor, so it’s safe ?

I took these photos when I went to a Street and Park Market at Sakurajoshi Park in Toyota.
