#Monthly post -Gratitude & Thanks to Friends / love ones, share your story do tag me. I would love to read such more stories.
Every day morning started your day with smile as you get up from bed, say Thank you God it’s my golden period going on with jackpot & good news, I am enjoying 7 star life. With your blessing
. See the difference.
Hello Friends,
Gratitude & Thanks to dear friend Vasanta.
Caption:Vasanta & me at Eat like
Punjabi celebrating her birthday.
As it’s first month of year 2022,
Wishing Happy New year to all my lovely local guide friends around the world from different countries.
I feeling blessed got support from all my friends,near & dear one’s always.
Year 2021 was great there was up & down in everyone’s life, happy, & sad moment hurdles used to come & go.
But I had faith in God made me stronger & stronger day by day.
I was always fill with positive attitude but,
In July 2021 my life change one day I felt very sad & depressed suddenly every thing was well around me but still don’t know why I used to feel sad ? This question always came in my a mind .
All my routine got change. Sleeping late night getting up late in morning.
Then one night my friend Vasanta who is makeup artist saw me online called me. I was afraid why she called so late. Vasanta told she saw me online so called she asked me how every thing is going on.I said all fine, She know I do my prayers regularly in evening time she said prayer for her son who was not keeping well I said sure will do,We spoke for some time said good night each other.
Then in August again one day she called me asked why I am not so active on social media she told she can’t see my post. Then I said to her I am well but dont know feeling sad why? . As she bit elder to me told this because of pandemic you don’t move out too much same routine daily. Seeing only family members no socializing rosy u didn’t move out that why, she told I know you were so active going to gurdwara, meeting friends,talking & meeting student’s taking tution’s.But now all these activities have stopped.I know sitting a home u are active attending your meet up. Talking to friends,helping others but sitting at home,but it’s being long time you have not move out.If u have been out once or twice only .U are not in contact with environment fresh air, sunlight.
Then she told I will suggest u join our group we do prayer early morning. Every day morning 4 o’clock -5. 30 am. She sent me link & from next day I join the group. Early morning I was surprised to see 8-10K people join some time less then 10k some time more then 10k.
Some times I used get up & some time skip. But after few days found my prayers coming true. I want see my self same as earlier fun going person who used to laugh & enjoy every moment.
After listening prayer regularly from August & September my life began to change. With grace of God I am very happy.
I would share few important things that I learnt from prayers.
1) Forgiveness - Forgive people
who have hurt you /If You have
hurt someone ask for
2) Always be thankful for what
you have. You will get every
thing what will in your destiny.
3) Help others as much as you
can in what ever way u can.
4) Don’t cheat others, specially
with money/ property
if you have taken
any ones money & can’t return
due to pandemic. Call say the
assure the Person that your
money is in safe hands you
will pay, send blessing to
Person that in locker is full
with money.
5) Respect your elders, take
there blessing. Don’t hurt
them if u have hurt them say
6) Forgot your past, live in today.
Be happy don’t worry about
7) Dont blame others.
Keep smiling always, when u smile u will be positive, that bring happiness & prosperity.
All these points are mention in our granth ( holy) book.But when you listen to a speaker who is blessed with awesome voice which attract others when she speak, who explain the meaning of life in simple way,she teaches us to check our self every day what mistake we did in a day, & say’s use positive words, every thing we say goes in universe. So check what u speak. Grab the opportunity what u get be thankful, find happiness in small things what u get see the changes.
Friends I am thankful to all my Local Guide friends from different countries learnt lot from them in these years. God bless each & every one.
Thanks Giving, God bless everyone around me ,my near & dear one who supported me stood with me always. Bless them with abundance of happiness & prosperity.
Lastly can’t forget my family & near dear love one’s.
In comment share to whom u want to give gratitude & thanks. Tag your LG friends.